Chapter 2:

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I got up off the couch that I slept on that night. I want to the fridge to get a water my throut hurts I then hard a know on the door.
I looked outside the pee hole was a guy my are I didn't open it. He got him self inside but how. "How did you get in here" I yelled he was tall he had blue eyes and blond hair he had a white shirt on and dark jeans he was so cute I snapped out of it.
"The door was unlock" he said looking down then he looked up at me "Did u get my note" I ran to my bedroom and locked the door.
I hard a knock on the door "Go away" I said in a sasy tone of voice "I just want to talk that's all the same thing happen to my family I think I know were there at" he said in a crying voice I don't know this man he could be good or bad.
I open the door slowly saying "Let's talk" he followed me to the living room were we set down he then talked "I think they disappeared in to thin air I know it sounds crazy but I researched and it says that we have to sacrifice something witch I don't know what"
I knew it sounded crazy but any information helps me I need to find my family and fast."Go on" I said wanting to know more about this so he Did "unless your the Angel" he said leaving "Wait" I yelled "What are you talking about". Before I knew it he was gone in a flash of fog from outside cause it's so cold and windy.

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