Mike Prepares Himself

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Mission Hills, Kansas - 8:57 A.M.

Mike welcomed the day off, he hadn't taken a break from work other than weekends and most of those were spent on the phone talking to Sabi about work. While finishing his yogurt he sat on the steps leading down from the patio to the pool. The morning was brisk with a slight breeze but still nice for late September.

He gazed into the water considering how his life was about to change. When they talked about her moving he offered to help her get started with a place of her own but she didn't want that. They talked about friends she could move in with but those options weren't available either. The only other choices was for her to move in with him or stay in Peculiar.

He wasn't fond of the idea her moving in. As he ate he gazed out above the privacy fence watching the sixteenth hole flag hang lifelessly while smelling the fresh cut grass from the neighboring golf course and listening to the mower. His phone rang faintly inside sweeping him out of his thoughts.

Jumping up he ran across the patio into the kitchen tossing the yogurt cup into the trash as he passed it to answer the phone. "Hi Baby." He said then listened as Cindy spoke.

"I'm good. You about ready for me to come help you pack?" He said as he paced the kitchen floor.

"I should be there by eleven. I still need to get cleaned up then I'll go get the U-Haul." He paused listening then said "Okay. Love you too." Before hanging up the phone.

He walked out the back door, took his T-shirt off tossing it onto a chair on the patio before diving into the pool wearing only his jockey shorts. Mike swam twenty laps in the cool pool water. Using his dirty shirt he attempted to dry off goose bump covered flesh before going back inside.

He walked to his bedroom, threw the shirt in the hamper, removed his wet jockey shorts throwing them in after the shirt. He picked out his clothes, shaved twice, showered washing his entire body twice and hair three times. Being naturally methodical, he was more so this morning. He was nervous. Everything had to be in the right place, especially since the phone call. Talking to her made it all so real.

"She really is coming to live with me." He thought, "I'm really going to go get a truck and help her move her things into my house. Tonight when I go to bed, it will be us going to bed together. In the morning it will be us getting up together, eating breakfast together,sharing a bathroom together. Oh no. What if I have to take a shit in the morning? Or worse, what if she has to? I don't want to know about her pooping. That's is the kind of stuff that doesn't come until after you have been married to someone for like five years." Mike tried not to think of that or anything else that could go wrong with her moving in to his house.

He sat down on the chair in his bedroom, leaned over with his head between his knees and tried to catch his breath. "It's ok. She is great. It's ok. I love her. Everything will be fine. She loves me." He repeated this over and over until his head stopped spinning and he could breath normally.

He was a little shocked at himself for freaking out so much, nothing like this ever happened to him before, he was usually very calm. Everyone called him the easygoing person, and usually he was, so why was he freaking out so much about the woman he loved moving in with him?

He let the question linger as he walked into the living room, got his keys and wallet off the tray on the sofa table where he left them every night then walked out the front door to his BMW. He pulled out of the driveway heading to pick up the U-Haul so he could start moving his new live in girlfriend. While he drove, he kept telling himself "This is the right thing to do."

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