Dare 5

115 9 4

(Wally is with the whole yj team btw, this is the team from season 1 with fetus dick Grayson and m'gann m'ores)

Willowflame: I dare you to run down a waterfall and you're my favourite on the yj team too!

Kaldur: you are not actually going to pull this stunt off are you?

Wally: of course I am, what's the worst that can happen

Connor: injury

Dick: put yourself in a coma

Artemis: oh I don't know, maybe death!

Wally: I could use the waterfall here at happy harbour and injury yes, coma maybe and death no! If my calculations are correct which they are I will only knock myself out and the worst that could happen is the possible chance of going into a coma and-

kaldur: wally...

Wally: it'll only be a few days at the most!

Artemis: wally!

Wally: I'm doing it anyway

Artemis: oh no you're not!

(Half an hour later after a long spitfire argument)

Artemis: I hate you

Wally: love you too babe! *runs down waterfall*

*wally drowns*

Kaldur: *takes wally out of water and places him on the side where Artemis is beside him crouching*

Kaldur: he is breathing

Artemis: wally cmon wake up....

Dick: I should have stopped him

Connor: he's an idiot

Megan: should I try wake him up telepathically?

Wally: *coughs and sits up then breathes heavily*

Artemis: *hugs wally* you're ok! I was worried sick and- *slaps wally* you f**king imbecile were you trying to kill yourself?!

Dick: *sighs* here we go again

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