Attack on the Capitol

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"Why hide for this long?" The Chief asked Keira, his dark green eyes sparkling in the morning sun. Keira smiled,

"I didn't feel ready until now." She glanced north, towards the capitol.

"You can't take them on alone," he reasoned.

"Ha, watch me" Keira chuckled, Keira and the Chief retreated to his hut where Keira explained what happened during the Great War. He convinced her to take a young man,Thomas, an exceptional fighter, with her on her raid of the capitol. The two set off on foot in the evening. As they were travelling Keira thought about her Guardian students, had they escaped the wrath of the army?

Though the army said that they were the ones who had exterminated the Guardians, was it true? Unfortunately, when she had defeated Zeref her rapier had been left behind so Keira had to hand make her dual swords that were sitting on her hips. They were much weaker than her rapier but they got the job done. It took them a week of nonstop travelling to reach the capitol.

"Sh-should we rest a day before we attack the capitol?" An exhausted Thomas breathed out, his muscles fatigued.

"No, we have no time to waste." Keira said, her whole body ached but she had to push through, her Fairy Tail friends and her students were in need of a savior.

When they entered through the walls Keira pulled her hood over her head and put on a mask that shielded her face from her nose down, if anyone recognized her then they were done for.

"So, where are the wizards?" Thomas whispered as the two silently weaved around the civilians in the city. Keira took a deep breath, taking in all the scents.

"This way" Keira led the way to where a huge wall rose into the air, it had cut off a part of the city. There was only one opening where seven army men stood at guard as wizards filed in. Every wizard had their wrists clasped together with shackles before they entered. Keira scanned the walls, they were high but not impenetrable.

"Follow me," Keira ordered and quickly walked to the left side of the enclosed space. They came across an alley where the buildings were right next to the wall. "Start climbing, I'll be under you in case you fall." Both got to the top of the building, now all that was left was about twelve feet of the slick wall until the top.

"Now what?" Thomas asked, Keira put him on her shoulders and he reached up and hauled himself onto the top of the wall. He reached down and helped drag Keira up. They stood, over one hundred feet in the air, looking down on a sickening sight. Keira saw a male wizard being dragged off as another male wizard was hooked up to a machine that seemed to be sucking out his magic energy.

Keira heard a commotion below and saw two guards struggling to pull a young girl with striking ginger hair towards the awful machine. Keria's heart raced as she watched the girl squirm and scream as she was brought closer.

"Come on!" Keira said and took off across the top of the wall, she leaped off the side of it and landed on one of the guards who was holding the young girl. She wrenched her way out of the other guards hand and ran back to the wizards. Thomas somersaulted to a safe landing next to Keira. Keira pulled out both of her swords, her sapphire eyes blazing with rage.

Hundreds of army men entered through the one opening, running towards Keira and Thomas. The two were surrounded instantly, Keira recognized Erza near her. Twisting around she sliced through her shackles and flipped the sword around and handed it to the S-Class wizard. The three charged into battle with the army. Keira and Erza worked in harmony though Erza didn't know who was next to her.

Keira glanced over her shoulder to see Thomas about to be hit with magic, quick as lightning she sliced through the guard who was about to hit Thomas.

"Thanks" he breathed heavily though his eyes were bright and alert. Keira never saw the magic that hit her head on, knocking her flat onto the ground. She saw that the other wizards, though bound, were fighting against the army. However, it wasn't enough to stop the onslaught of attacks from the army. Keira saw Thomas get hit with several bursts of magic. He wouldn't last long now, he was too young.

More and more guards came into the fray, Keira was overwhelmed. She stood up in a panic, her hood sliding off.

"Thomas! Retreat!" She saw Thomas trying to make his way towards her. Keira's gaze raked through the crowd for one person.

"Keira! Come on!" Thomas screamed at her, blood trickling down his chin from a cut lip. Keira had no idea how they were going to get out alive, the army was everywhere trying to kill Keira and Thomas and contain all the conscious wizards. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a plan where they escaped with their lives, nothing came to mind.

Thomas could survive on his own but he would be captured, tortured, and killed. Keira was hyperventilating, was she going to come all this way to die here? The same city that she fought and almost died to save. Suddenly an idea popped into her head but there was no certainty that it would work, however it was the only one that was probably going to work.

She turned to find Thomas fighting valiantly, but severely wounded. She ran towards him, leaping into the air, gritting her teeth in determination. Her scarred arms became jet black wings, and her body became that of a dragon's: Acnologia. The only difference is that instead of her whole body being black there were now light blue accent marks defining her armor plating. 

She dipped her wings and scooped up a group of wizards before the guards could attack her and bring her down. Thomas climbed onto her back, not believing what his eyes were showing him. Keira roared as the terrified screams of citizens hit her sensitive ears. Her plan was working! For now.

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