Chapter 8: The Celebration

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The next morning, at the entrance to the Bifrost, Skadi bid farewell to her father and sister, accompanied by Loki, who expressed regret at being unable to acquaint himself with them better.

​Idunn, still weak, was riding with a young healer named Kára, who was being sent back to Alfheim by Eir to tend to Idunn. Eir did not confirm this, but there was a rumor being whispered about the palace that Kára was a Valkyrie... Skadi suspected it was true. She could sense the power dwelling within Kára just by being near her.

​Skadi kissed her father and sister goodbye, and Loki presented Idunn with a gift—a long walking stick, carved in ivory, with a golden handle.

​"When you regain your strength, it will help you walk." Loki told her.

​"Thank you." Idunn whispered, in awe as she held the walking stick. The sides of it had complex murals of swans etched into them, and she ran her fingers over it, entranced by the intricate design.

​Heimdall bid farewell to Freyr, and as Idunn, Freyr, and Kára disappeared into the Bifrost, Idunn waved madly.

​"Goodbye!" She yelled in her clear, high voice.

​"Goodbye, sister." Skadi whispered past the lump in her throat.

​The Bifrost closed, and they were gone.

​"You've had an eventful morning, Skadi." Loki noted as they walked back across the bridge to Asgard. "And you remember what tonight is, don't you?"

​Skadi sighed. "Of course I remember. How could I forget?"

​Tonight would be her formal entrance into the royal court—a party would be held in her honor, and she would have a chance to meet the other nobility who populated the halls of Asgard. More troublingly, the Norns would also be present. The three strange beings—Urd, "What Once Was"; Verdandi, "What Is Coming Into Being"; and Skuld, "What Shall Be,"—had existed since the beginning of time... or so it seemed. They had been around since the beginning of the reign of the first King of Asgard, and had been present at the introduction of every royal court member—they are the ones who gave titles to the royals and the great warriors. 'Thor the Thunderer,' 'Lady Sif, Shield-Maiden of Asgard,' and 'Volstagg the Voluminous, Lion of Asgard,' were a few of the names they had chosen.

​The Norns look at your past, present, and future, then decide what your name will be. Often for royalty or new members of court, it is a hint at the future—for warriors, a title of honor for their prowess in battle.

​"Are you nervous?" Loki asked as they walked slowly back to the palace.

​"Terrified." Skadi admitted. "I can't imagine what they might say..."

​"You have your ice powers." Loki reminded her. "That might mean something to them. And you'll certainly be named 'Advisor to the Allfather,' or something like that. You've nothing to fear." He gave her a smile.

​"All this from Loki, God of Mischief—the Trickster." Skadi chuckled.

​"I was a very mischievous child." Loki chuckled. "You should hear the stories—I'm sure my mother will tell you if you asked."

​They continued to chat as they reached the palace, where they ran into some familiar, raucous faces.

​"Brother!" Thor clapped Loki on the shoulder so hard he almost knocked his brother over, smiling widely. "How good to see you! And, of course, Lady Skadi." He grinned at Skadi.

​"Just Skadi, please, my lord." Skadi leaned down to bow, but Thor caught her hand and straightened her.

​"My name is Thor, Skadi. I would be honored if you would call me by it." Thor grinned widely, and Skadi couldn't help but smile back. He was so cheerful, it was impossible to not be happy in his presence.

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