Chapter 3

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A pale mist escaped his lips as his eyes fluttered open, eyelashes tickling the top of his cheeks. Instead of the hard concrete digging into the soft skin of his back he felt a bed of grass beneath him. He could hear the wind, carrying the sounds of mermaid songs, the fluttering of fairy wings, the distant cries of sea shanties and warrior calls. It was like all these sounds were sounds he had heard before, it sounded like home.

The peacefulness was short-lived when he felt a pair of frozen lips against his ear.


"Not now Jack" James groaned and shoved the pale boy away as he sat up, trying to rub away the pounding headache in his head "W-where's everyone? W-what h-happened?"

Frost shrugged and shoved his hands into his hoodie's pocket before casting his eyes over his shoulder wearily "'re dying." A soft sigh escaped his lips as he ran a pale hand through his tousled snow-white hair "That night. You fell asleep but you haven't woken up yet. The others took you to the nearest orphanage- they don't know what's wrong with you."

The ginger haired boy swallowed and looked down at the grass, unable to register everything Jack had informed him. "W-wait! Peter?" He questioned, slowly bringing his green eyes to meet the Winter Spirit's blue ones. The pale boy in front of him nodded towards a piece of parchment beside him, not trusting himself to speak. With shaky hands, James took the letter, his eyes flicking over the bold black letters scrawled neatly on the time-ridden paper.

'Welcome Peter Pan. Lost Boy of NeverLand.'

Once he read those words the parchment began to fade before his eyes, slowly but surely until it was as though the parchment had never existed.

"Wow an acorn" Jack commented sarcastically as he stared at it over the lost boy's shoulder. "Well we're doomed" he added as he turned his back to him, squinting at the distance in hopes of finding anything other than the grass and sky that surrounded them.

When he turned around once more to face the ginger haired boy he was almost caught by surprise. There he stood, a few inches taller off the ground, gone were the tattered clothes he had worn on the day of his escape and were replaced by a tight fitting tunic made of the rose leaves that had been sewn together along with matching green tights. His ash-ridden hair ceased to display any sign of ash, dust or dirt and instead looked as vibrant as ever, half covered by a green robin-hood hat adorned with a red feather. The acorn that was once on his hand now around his neck hanging a piece of thread.

A smile passed over Peter's lips as he noticed Jack's shocked expression, "Magic acorn" he laughed, taking no notice as Jack cleared his throat and looked away.

"Great. So we have a magic acorn that works as a pocket-sized wardrobe" the white haired male countered sarcastically as he gripped his shepherd's staff a little tighter "What now, pointy ears?" With that he levitated upside down and stuck his tongue out at the boy in front of him in a childish manner.

"Do you hear that?" Peter smiled and turned around, staring at the clouds as though searching for the source of the laughter and excited chatter that filled his ears.

Jack huffed in annoyance and crossed his legs over each other as he levitated, turning himself right way up "Are you even listening to yourself? There's nothing for miles if you can't tell, just grass-" he said as he pulled out a few blades of grass "-and dirt" he wrinkled his nose in disgust when he noticed a small winged creature perched upon his finger, with each flutter of its wing a soft jingle followed, like chimes in the wind. The creature looked up at him with bright eyes and opened its mouth to speak before Jack flicked it off with a flick of his wrist. 

"Even here the pests are annoying" he mumbled to himself wiping his hand against his sleeve "Hey I wouldn't touch the grass, there might be more of those thi- what are you doing?" He looked towards the Peter who currently had his arms wrapped around the trunk of a tree, his legs and waist being pulled up in the air. "What? Never seen someone fly before?" He snapped as he quickly shoved his hat back onto his head as it began to drift away from his head making Jack laugh.

"Not like that" the winter spirit countered coolly as he floated over and took Peter's hand, effectively loosening his grip on the tree trunk, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Ironic. I know.

"Don't worry; I'll catch you if you fall princess" he grinned mockingly as the ginger haired boy beside him shoved him away muttering a string of insults.

Both boys were brought out of their bickering as the sounds that Peter had heard earlier returned, ever so softly but just enough to catch their attention.

Jack smirked mischievously as he leant his staff against his shoulder "Race you there?"

Peter mimicked his smile and with a mischievous glint in his eye he tugged Jack's hoodie over his eyes before flying off without hesitation "See you there" he laughed , looking back at the startled Winter Spirit before flying off in the direction of the laughter and excited mutters, Jack soon following.

As Peter flew over the green meadows he realised one thing.

He could feel the sun's warmth. 

I knooooow, bad update >~< I'm sorry but I wanted to bring in some PeterxJack fluff so no more depressing stuff...for now xDD Anyway so sorry again for the late update but to make it up here's some fluff and I hope you guys enjoyed at least somewhat c:

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