Interlude: When Giant Tomatoes Attack

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Funny story...I'm procrastinating again. Hahaha...


Right, so anyway, I just really want to take a break from studying and decided to write a sort of 'filler' chapter.

I mean, 'Hey, why not?', right?

*If you haven't read the chapter: The Chapter Wherein Nothing Really Happens (Just A Phone Call) I suggest you go back two chapters since I've updated for three days straight...

Note: This happened during Percy's stay at Planet Chaos


Alternate Chapter Name: The Curse Of The Purse


Luke tightened the strap of his sandals. Currently, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt, black slacks and Spartan sandals. Those sandals that have straps that criss-cross around the shin.

He double-checked his satchel stocked with food, a bottle of water, a knife hidden in a secret compartment, those senbon things laced with poison (Ethan said they were very useful), some pens (Hey, you never know when a treaty needs to be signed) and his small medicinal kit (Because apparently, he can't protect himself since he sometimes doesn't think things through. Siding with Kronos on his part attested to this fact).

He picked up his brown satchel and left the room.


"It's not  a purse!" 

"Then what is it?"

"It's a satchel."

"I don't believe you. Man-purse, on the other hand, I can believe."

"It's a satchel."

Percy seemed unmovable with his conclusion. He shook his head and tsk'ed.

"Did you just tsk at me?"

"It truly is such a shame, Luke. You definitely can't understand..."

"But you gotta admit, the purse looks cute." Silena commented. She was lying on the chair, her head on Beckendorf's lap who idly played with the strands on her hair.

"It's not a purse..." Luke swiped his hand over his face, utterly exasperated.

The rest of the warriors came in at that moment.

"What's not a purse?" Castor asked, a lollipop in his mouth.

Silena pointed at Luke pur--satchel.


"Definitely a purse." 

"Oh come on!"


The selected Warriors chosen specifically for this mission namely: Percy, Luke, Ethan, Beckendorf, Silena, Castor and the last minute addition, Jason.

They all wore the same type of clothes because apparently the planet's inhabitants didn't take too kindly bright colored clothes or any shiny things.

Goodbye, weapons!

Luke kept the sendon though. It's not like anyone would notice...(Dear Luke, you're just basically foreshadowing things...)

They left through a portal made by Chaos. He merely bid them a farewell. He didn't really make much contact with them or interfere with their affairs because first of all: He's Chaos. He had a lot of things to do. What did you expect? He'd use his powers to do all his work. It's very tiring to maintain all that energy, you know. Second:  He had to save all his will power to fight his very worst, one of the oldest, most dread and undefeated enemy...Paperwork.

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