Chapter 6

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Clint’s Point of View

            “Mara!” I screamed as I ran through the busy hallway of S.H.I.E.L.D., and people just stared at me like I was insane.

            Natasha stormed up to me with an angry look on her face, but I didn’t have the time for her. “Clint!” She roared in anger.

            “Move; get out of my god damn way!” I yelled at her, and I began to sprint out of the building. The city was bustling with people who didn’t have a clue what was going on. I looked in the distance, and I saw a figure standing on top of the Empire State Building.

            No . . . . No . . . . . . No!!!!!!!

            Since the headquarters is only a block to the building, I ran to the building—but, my worst nightmare come true.

Sprawled out on the pavement with her neck obviously broken was . . . . My only daughter, my baby girl, it was Mara.

            A massive group was formed around her, and there was women screaming their heads off. “Move!” I screamed, and the group parted like the Red Sea.

            Around Mara was a big pool of blood.

            I knelt down to her body, and I gently picked up her head. Her nose was smashed in, and there was blood pouring out from every part of her body. My eyes welled with tears when I saw that her blue eyes were still open.

Oh my god. She’s gone, she’s really gone. I won’t ever tell her I love you anymore and she’ll respond back. She’s never going talk to me ever again. She’s just going to be a decaying body in the ground.

            My baby girl was dead.

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