Chapter 15

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"A few months later we get married. That was truly the happiest day of my life. In 2013, the band got back together, and after that, everything seemed to happen so quickly. We made a tour that year and one in 2014 too. That year was when I turned 30, so we had a party in our apartment for my 30th birthday."

"Hey, where's Y/N?" Joe shouts so Patrick can hear him over the music.
"Hmm, I don't know! She might be resting in the bedroom, she wasn't feeling that good this week!" He shouts back.
"Oh alright, hope she feels better soon."

"I didn't see Y/N that night."

"Bye man!" Pete says as he leaves Patrick's apartment.
He takes Pete in a hug, "See you next week!"

Patrick closes the door and walks down the hallway to your bedroom.

"Honey?" He shouts.
"I'm in the bathroom."
Patrick walks to the bathroom and puts his ear on the door.
"Can I enter?"
"Yes yes."
He opens the door and sees you sitting on the bathroom's floor next to the toilet.
"Hey, you're okay?" He asks worried.
"My stomach hurts!" You say rubbing it.
He sits next to you "Oh, I'm so sorry honey! Have you been here all night?"
"Yeah, almost. I'm feeling better now, though."
He gets up and takes your hand "Come on, let's go to sleep!"

You get up with his help and go into your bedroom.
You lie in bed and cuddle with him.
He reaches for a kiss but you pull yourself away.

"What?" He asks.
"I dont want you to get sick, you have recording next week."
"I won't get sick, don't worry about that!" He kisses you.

"Like always, I woke up really late, but Y/N was still in bed."

Patrick's getting ready to go in town.
He enters your bedroom where you're still lying in bed.

"I'm going to the grocery store. Do you need something, like medicine?" He asks as he buttoned his shirt.
"Hmm, yeah... a pregnancy test." You murmur shyly.
"Okay!" He says as he turns to the door but stops immediately and turns to face you "Wait, a-a pregnancy test?" he stutters.
"Yeah." You say, still a little bit shy.
"You...You really think you're...?"
"Just get me the pregnancy test, would you?" You snap at him, becoming impatient.
"A-Alright." He blushes and goes out of the room.

"I tried to play it cool, but inside, I was about to explode - I was so excited. I couldn't wait for the results."

Patrick is sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom with the results.
He's looking at the floor but immediately looks at you when he hears the door click open. You enter the room.
He gets up and walks over to you.

"Well?" He says.
You give him the test and rub your neck.
"Oh my god Y/N, you're... you're..." He stutters.
"I'm pregnant!"
He takes you in his arms "You're pregnant!" He shouts.

"I know I said my wedding was the happiest day of my life, but the day I found out I was going to be a father, that we were going to be parents, that day was the happiest day of my life."

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