Fate (Ember's Diary pg.1)

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So normally when one goes to school they think about what kinds of friends they'll make, who they'll go out with, what kind of cute guys they'll meet, what kind of cute girls they'll meet, you know, the like, but us, we think about who we're going to kill and what we're going to steal.

Not your typical teenage thoughts huh.

I personally do think of some of these things, just in a different way, I think of 'what kind of people shall befriend me only to possibly die in the near future, who should I kill, who shouldn't kill and what kind of cute boys and/or girls have a higher or lower possibility that I'll kill them. But you know, that's just me.

And maybe my friends.

Now if it was up to me, yeah I would love to go to a normal school with normal people and do normal things, but I can't. That is not what I was created for and that is not my fate.

My fate does not belong to me, none of ours do.

We all wish that our fate was our own, every single one of us, but it isn't, and it never was.

I wonder what my own fate is

Do I live forever with my friends...or will I die alone without reason?

No one knows what their fate really is, the can only guess and hope that it is good. But if one's fate is bad, they attempt to defy and change their fate. But sadly, it never works. One cannot change their fate, just like they cannot change their destiny.

And so the question arises...what is fate? What is destiny?

I believe that destiny, is what one is meant to do in life while fate...fate is how you will end up. Fate is what will happen in the end.

That is what I believe.


Yes my dear followers, hate me, hate me and motivate me to write faster so that you can have more chapters and more words. It was a little shorter than I expected but I tried. Writer's block is a pain in the arse

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