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I open my eyes slowly letting them adjust to the darkness. I look around to find the door bolted shut, windows locked, and another person in the room with me. It is too dark to make out who the person is. I shift myself to try and untie my hands, but it is no use. I don't even know how I got here. The whole night is a blur and my head is pounding. I can't remember a thing, and it makes me hesitant to talk to the person sitting across the room. Is she with me, or is she against me? One voice in my head is saying "Take a leap of faith, she could help!" but another voice in my head is telling me "You're better off alone, don't trust anyone." I decide to listen to the first voice. 

​"Hello who -" I stop myself mid-question trying to find the right words. "Um...who are you?" I guess those weren't the best words, but they get the point across. 

​"I'm Regina, who are you?" She says with a very slight Russian accent that isn't very strong at all, but you can tell she has one. I sit there baffled at the fact that I might possibly be talking to the one and only Regina Spektor. All of the songs she has ever sung come rushing into my head at once. My mind is blown. After I can actually think, all that comes to mind is .... 

Why are we here? And why are we here together? 

​"Oh. My. God. Regina Spektor?!" I am surprised I can actually get the words out. Then realizing I haven't answered her question yet, I say quickly, almost out of breath because I am so excited. "I'm Amber." 

​She shifts her weight before she answers. "Well, hi Amber and y-" 

​She gets interrupted by a pound on the door, then some keys jingling around. A tall, tan, rugged, muscular man in all black busts through the door then flips the light switch on. Since it has been so dark the light feels like I'm staring directly at the sun. "Stand up. Both of you, and come here." 

​Scared, I hesitantly stand up and so does Regina. We walk over to the man slowly. I don't look at him though, I watch Regina. I don't want to be the only one walking towards him. She must have just come from a show or somewhere nice because her hair is curled nicely, and she is wearing her signature look, red lipstick. She is also wearing a tight fitting long sleeve shirt that has lace sleeves and silver buttons down the middle with black skinny jeans and red shoes. Let's just say she makes my oversized duck sweater and leggings look like crap. 

​"Turn around." The man says forcefully as soon as we approach him. Not wanting to cause any trouble I turn around very quickly. It seems almost twice as fast as Regina did. He shuffles through his pockets and takes out a Swiss army knife and cuts the rope that was keeping my hands together. Then he does Regina's. We both grab our wrists; I don't think they have ever felt so free. My heart is pounding and I think this could be our chance. Maybe this guy will help us. I mean he already untied our hands. So, with that in my head, I speak. 

​"Um...Where are we? And uh...Who are you?" My heart beats faster. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I didn't. He laughs and starts walking out of the room. Right before he goes to shut the door he turns to us. 

​"Y'all are a long way from home." And on that note he shuts and locks the door again. I stand there, not knowing what he meant by that. My train of thought gets stopped by Regina. 

​"At least the light is still on. I don't like the dark." 

​I nod in agreement and look around the room. Standing next to her makes me feel like a giant. She can only be 5' 4" at the most. I turn to her in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Why do you think we're here? I mean I'm just a kindergarten teacher, nothing special." I'm sure she can sense the panic in my voice. She bends down to sit on the floor and signals me to sit down next to her. I bend down and slowly slide to the floor across from her. She still hasn't answered me so I give her a confused look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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