chapter 1

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"Come on stop", I said as I chased for the bus stop.

I can feel the morning air dry my throat with cold air as I start to sprint. The moment I think I make it the bus throws smoke from its exhaust pipe and speeds off without me... or my friends.

"Oh come on again with this Jen?",Chase says just as exhausted as I am.

"You know your the reason that we're always late".

Quickly behind Chase comes Clara with her bag in one hand and breakfast in the other.

"Jeez you know how hard it is to eat and run, huh Jen".

"Wait aren't we missing someone",said Chase as we all remember our most important fourth friend. Right on time here comes Ryan keeping his lazy jogging pace, obviously hating me right now.

"Well might as well start walking to school,even if we are going to be late",said Ryan.

Everyone standing in a circle listening to him, then we start walking in sync. I look at my 3 life long friends. Chase with his brown,straight hair and brown eyes. He's a bit slim but he gets in too many fights anyways, probably because he always will try to protect me. He had feelings for me since I had stopped bullies from messing with him back then in middle school. Now he can't stop smiling whenever I get near him.

Then their's my best gal - friend Clara. Me and her are childhood friends. Since our parents were friends it's only natural that we became friends. She's one of those gossip queens who loves when people fight for stupid reasons. But on the outside people think she is the nice, straight A student cliche. With her long blond hair, bluish green eyes,clear white skin and clear complection.

Lastly it's Ryan the athletic B student. To be honest I only met him as a freshmen 3 years ago. We only knew each other from track and field. The first time we talked is when I twisted my ankle and he came to help me up. Afterwards we just clicked and became good friends, even though he is a bit monotoned. But I know how to get him to smile. With his gelled jet black hair, hazel eyes,wears those black hoodies and he has the cutest little birth mark on his right cheek.
While in my thoughts I could hear an obvious voice flowing inside my head then I hear my name. "Well its still Jen's fault for making us wait", said Chase.

"Ya, what was so important to make us wait for you Jen"?, said Clara.

"I was watching the news, there was some enhanced that we're robbing another bank", I said.

"Of course it was about some enhanced, you know I bet if you had the chance you would marry one them", Chase teased.

"I'd take that opportunity any day", I said

"Well you know I do have superpowers so I fit the description", said Chase.

Oh ya what's your power?", I asked.

"Making you believe that I actually have super powers, it works right?", Chase said with hope in his eyes.

"Not even in your dreams", said Ryan.

"Would that actually be your power Chase?", I asked

"Hell no",he said,"I would have the power to fly so wouldn't be late anymore".

"Ya right, you know the rules you can only gain power from something you touch last", I responded.

"Oh ok miss knows all about enhanced people, then I'll touch a bird and grow feathers", Chase said with his arms bent like a chicken.

"Don't forget the beak and birds feet",said Clara mockingly.

"What about you Clara, have a dream power you've always wanted"?

"I'd touch some gasoline so I would have to pay so much for it", said Clara

"With the price of smelling like a gas station", I said poking fun at Clara.

"Let's not forget our moody little Ryan,so what's your power"?,said Chase.

"Hmm I don't know.... I guess having ice powers would be cool, I'd freeze people or something", Ryan said rather uninterested about the topic.

"Wow, you said the only normal one but it still doesn't beat the first two", I say giggling

We all share a laugh and keep our pace toward the high school. We joke a lot about the enhanced, but in reality they have caused so much pain and terror. In just 50 years we have seen attacks,crimes and personal vendetta from most enhanced. The only ones who can fight a enhanced is the Legion core, or enhanced recruted and trained to stop other enhanced related attacks. They do a good job but it still doesn't stop the crimes that pop up everywere. We all have been hurt because of them, I was mugged by a man with the power of concrete. Chase has seen people attacked by several different enhanced. Clara had her old car smashed by some guy who could control wood. Ryan... his is the worst to talk about, he lost his sister to an enhanced who used metal to take her from his family. He hides it so much, he never talks about it. It may seem like he doesn't care about those enhanced, but he really wants them all dead. But he'll never tell the other two or anyone else for that matter. Finally we make it to school, about 36 minutes late.

"Well it was nice but now I need an excuse for being late",said Chase rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm not worried", said Clara, "my math teacher never teaches anyway he won't care".

" I might as well go to office now, this is probably my 12th tardy",said Ryan.

"Well whatever, see you guys in 4th period". We all walk in separate directions and disappear around corners.

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