Nightmares of the Past (Mina)

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  Can you do one with Mike and Mona after Mona was in the dollhouse and Mike helps her through some nightmares?  

Idea by Boris Yeltsin on Fan Fiction

Mona's POV


Even though months have passed since I was in that place terrifying memories and nightmares would be with me forever no matter if I liked it or not. I was trapped in a life size dollhouse for 4 months, 120 days to be exact. My friends Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily where only trapped in the dollhouse for 3 weeks. We were all rescued at the same time but I had been in there for months before them.

Since being rescued I went back to Rosewood High and graduated. I am in summer school now to official graduate but I did get to walk across the stage on graduation day with my senior class.

Mike and I have a strong relationship. He is my boyfriend and he's the perfect guy for me. I'm 2 years older then him but we both love each other more then anything. Hanna will always be my best friend but at the same time Mike will hopefully always be my boyfriend.

"Mona, can we talk?" Mike asked

"How about tonight, I have summer school homework to work on right now." I said

"Tonight it is then. The Apple Rose Grill at 7 PM." Mike said

"Sound's great." I said

"I can pick you up because Aria's going out tonight and she already said Ezra was picking her up so I could have the car." Mike said

 7PM arrived and Mike picked me up 15 minutes ago so we were already at the Apple Rose Grill.

"I'm going to miss this place. Sure Hawaii has restaurants on the beach but the Grill is our special place." I said

"The Apple Rose Grill will always be our special place." Mike said

"What did you want to talk about earlier?" I asked

"We never really talked about how we would handle the distance. Honolulu, Hawaii is almost 5,000 miles for Rosewood, Pennsylvania." Mike said

"I know that Mike but you still are planning on joining me in two years right?" I asked

"That's the plan for now but if I get a field hockey offer for another school I might not be able to pass up the offer." Mike said

"Mike, two years is long enough please don't make it 4 or 6 years before we can move to Hawaii together." I said

"You can't expect me to follow you. A long distance relationship is what we are going to have to deal with." Mike said

After dinner we went back to the Montgomery's. Mike and Aria's parents had gone out of town for the weekend to try and work things out. They were divorced and living apart but they occasionally spent a weekend away reliving memories.

"Is Aria coming home tonight or are we alone?" I asked

Mike checked his phone and read a text from Aria.

"No, She is spending the night with Ezra at his apartment." Mike said

Mike and I went up to his bedroom. I was tired and kind of mad at Mike for basically saying he would leave me for a better opportunity. We kissed but I just wasn't feeling it tonight.

"I'm sorry Mike but I can't do this tonight." I said

"Why not, We are alone in the house so you don't have to worry about Aria or my parents?" Mike asked

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