lipLetter to Dave

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"Hey dave, do you remember when we were just kids and everything was so simple. Well... I guess it wasn't exactly simple it's not like any of had what most call a normal life. But still it was better than this. We all had futures that didn't involve this stupid game.
Sometime, I regret encouraging everyone to play when I knew what the game would do to us. But I just wanted to meet you all so badly and I wanted us all to live and be happy. I though that the game would do that for us. I know now that... I was a foolish child who wasn't mature enough to make such big decisions like that.
Being on this ship for so long I've had time to think about things. About the game, about all of our friends, the trolls, about all the things that we could have done better... and, I realized that I screwed up... so many things happened because of me dave... I let prototype him self and that's just where everything blew up... I'm the reason that we have an unbeatable boss. I denied it when karkat told me it was my fault but I know now that he was right... I'm so sorry... and maybe if I hadn't have messed up like that I wouldn't have killed you dave... I know that you aren't really dead, but I know you felt the pain of dieing, the pain of a close friend shooting you... I cant get the image of your dead body out of my mind it's all I see when ever I go to sleep at night, I keep going back to that day and wondering what I could have done to save you.
I know if you could actually read this you would probably tell me not to blame myself but I just can't let go of the guilt. I feel like it's crushing me. It's so much worse now that I'm just here stuck on this ship. I now how so much time to be alone and just think about how I screwed up.
Maybe it's a good thing you won't be able to read this. I would hate to get you down when you are probably haveing fun with rose and all of the trolls. I hope you are haveing fun and that you find some one there on that meteor. I don't want you to be alone I only want what's best for you, because, I love you Dave. I feel as if I always have. If being with someone other than me makes you happy then I'm happy. Yeah it would be hard to see you with someone else but it's not like I'll see you anytime soon. So please Dave, make the most out of the life you have. That's all I want is for you to be happy.
With much love,
Jade Harley.

(AN: this was inspired by a picture I saw of jade talking to dave about how they were before the game and I just had to get it out of my system. If some things are inaccurate or out of character I'm sorry I'll fix anything that I notice is wrong. But yeah enjoy the random sadstuck )

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