Sequence 1: Cheshire

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Sitting in one of many safe houses in her special 'office space' Her intercom buzzed, answering the call, the caller showed up on the screen. "Deathstroke..!" she purred looking smugly at the camera. Examining her gold poisoned nails; though she took a break from being Cheshire, she enjoyed the perks of having deadly weapons on hand. She sat back in a reclining chair. "Long time no see.. how are things?"

The mercenary breathed rather heavily behind his mask, and slowly took it off shaking his hair in relief.

"Things are..good, Chesh-"

"Oh please Slade don't. We've been over this. And I haven't been Cheshire for over a year. I don't plan to be for the time being."

"Jade" he said at the tip of his tongue, "That won't be necessary"

Ngyuen raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really? I'm not saving your ass after Qurac, Slade."

"It's not about that, Jade. I'm not reforming the Titans. I'm reforming a new group."

She widened her eyes ((YES SHE IS ASIAN AND CAN OPEN HER EYES JESUS)) in surprise.

"For the last time Wilson, I'm not interested in being the cover model of 'SlayBoy'" she whispered under her breath "Not going back there ever again..(!)"

Slade chuckled briefly. "As much as I'd like to see where your knives go, I think I've seen enough."

Jade rolled her eyes and smiled. "Send me the details, the JL may be surveying the call.." She grew suspicious and looked around. "What's this 'group' called anyway? Who's in it..?"

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