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I saw the person walk in it was BEN and jeff walk in jeff cerefully pick up Nikki and walk out I got up and went downstairs Ben followed me like a lost puppy I sat down and he sat down in front of me "Why are you following me it's kinda creppy" I said that and he left katniss came running downstairs and she was scared I looked up and Brian was fighting BEN I got up took out a dagger and threw it in between them and it hit the wall they stopped they looked at me and I told them to stop that and yelled at Brian to get out of the mansion "BRIAN GET SOME HELP I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE YOU BACK I MOVED ON I DON'T NEED BOYS RUINING MY LIFE I WON'T TAKE YOU BACK.I AM GOING TO FIND THE RIGHT GUY NOW GET OUT OF HERE" With that Ben helped me kick Brian out I yelled at Brian to never come back

Isis Wolf Daughter of slenderman Or L.JWhere stories live. Discover now