Down the bridge

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May saw a girl near the bridge and the girl was looking downwards.

May approach the girl and when she ask questions like "where do you live? Or " where are your parents".

The girl would always look down and point down the bridge, May was confused of what the little girl was trying to say but may didnt have time to ask questions anymore.

It was already getting dark and she had to go back home, so she bead the girl goodbye and went home.

That night May dreamed about the girl she met a while ago.

The girl was crying for help and she was with two other people, she kept dreaming about the girl every night and May always woke up with cold sweat until she had enough and wanted to find answers to this girl, so she decided to go back to the bridge and ask the people who live near the area, that's when she learned that a family died because of a car accident, it was the little girl's family.

When May learned about this, she decided to place fresh flowers and a candle on the spot where the little girl was standing when they met and since then, she didnt dream of the girl again.

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