The Excape

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Shion's POV

I was sitting in my cell waiting for my next beating or 'client' as I thought back to how I got into this mess.

It all started two years ago, when the year previous Nezumi left me all alone. After our parting I moved back in with my mother. I would mope around for days, helping with the bakery at most  - even though I would prefer that more now than anything. I was in a major state of depression after he left me and it wasn't going away soon if I didn't do something, so I followed my dream and started helping rebuild no.6 and got involved with working with the new government. So for the next two years people favored my ideas and we got closer to fully rebuilding a better city with a fair government, or so I thought.

It turned out that not every one liked my ideas as much as I thought, so the next thing I know I'm being blindfolded and thrown into the back of a car. I was brought to an older looking building that could be taken for a barn in the past. Inside they had cells to hold people in, they most likely used to be stalls. The group of men that brought me here never said there names or showed there faces, because if someone got out they would never be able to identify who it was that took them, but something tells me there's only one way out of this place, sadly. All I new was that they saw me as a threat to there idea of a government and I could never leave because of that.

I slowly was aware of what they do to people here from experiencing it myself, as scars are all over my body now as proof. They took me into a room and raped me until I couldn't take it any more when I first got here. I'm not going into detail because the thought of its just enough as it is, but when I finally thought it was over it got worse, they took me into another room and beat me until I couldn't stand, see, or hear but I could feel the pain in my ribs from being kicked so much that a few were probably broken. I could feel the sting in my back from the open flesh by being hit with a whip so hard, of my nose being broke and feeling like I was drowning in the vase amounts of blood seeping out. But worst of all was the ache to go home to see my mom and all our regulars at the bakery, hell I even missed Dog-keeper and Rikiga!

But one thing did surprise me in the moment I thought I was going to die, I only thought of one person and that was Nezumi, I thought about his longish hair and how soft it always was, how he was stubborn so often but also in a protective way as well, and how he was always strong and with that thought I pushed myself to be just as strong as he was and survived. That was one of the last times I ever thought of him I had mostly moved on, if I hadn't I don't know where i'd be right now because when he left I accepted it but I thought he was coming back for me but he never did and I was in so much pain of being alone, sure I had my mom, dog-keeper, and Rikiga but it was like something had been taken from me my source of happiness and it wasn't giving it back. I knew he probably wasn't coming back and so I had to let him go, but as long as he was happy somewhere, I hoped, I would be happy to.

I learned that Later on they give you "clients",well that's what they call them, but it's just prostitution you pleasure a person for an hour or more, they pay high and my captors get all the money. Some days I would cry until my eyes were red and I'd pass out, constantly in pain. But now it's like I no longer have the cheerful boy in me I once had, I hurt so bad now I can barely feel a thing anymore, but it's constant, the beatings every day the way they starve me and there other captors here to the point where I'm only bone, it never stops, every day the same fate over and over again. Hell I know I'm going to die here but I rather it would be sooner then later because this place is worse than a living hell...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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