Surprise Visit

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A/N: Hey guys. I totally forgot to write today. I was so busy, I forgot and I was in my youth group at my church. I'll try to publish two chapters today. I promise.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A MONTH LATER
Hannah's P.O.V (new point of view)
I hear a ding and I wake. The plane is landing. I lift my head off of Zackary's shoulder. Zackary is my fiancé. We've been together since seventh grade. I love him so much it hurts(Hannah is my best friend and that is true not the fiancée thing.)
"Hey Baby." Zack says. Looking into my eyes. His eyes are so perfect.
"Hey, are you going to ready to tell her the news?" I reply.
"Yeah, I hope she gives us her blessing."
"Zack, we've been together eight years. That's eight years Kenz and I have been best friends. She'll give us her blessing and maybe her boyfriend will be proud of us." I say.
"Babe, how do you know she has a boyfriend?"
"Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. DUH!" I laugh after I said that.
"Oh." The plane landed and we get off. I take out my phone and text McKenzie.
H:Han M:McKenzie
H: I have a question.
M: Shoot.
H: Where do you live in California?
M: In an apartment complex called Avista. Why did you want to know?
H: Just cause I wanted to!
M: Okay.
I lock my phone and put it in my purse. I call a taxi over. Zack puts our stuff in the trunk and gets in.
*time skip til they get there
McKenzie's P.O.V
I here a knock on the door and I get up leaving Jordan on the couch. I open it and there she stood. I start to scream. Jordan gets up and runs over to the door.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Jordan asks worried. I hug Han to death. I haven't seen her in two years.
"Han! Zack! I haven't seen you two in forever!" I say ignoring his question. "Han. Zack. This is Jordan my boyfriend."
"Hey." Jordan says.
"Come in guys." They walk in an sit their stuff next to my recording station. Han sits on my left and Jordan sits in the other side where Zack is sitting.
"I have great news." Han says excitedly.
"What is it?" Han looks at Zack and says.
"We're getting married!" They both say.
"OH MY GOD!! CONGRATS!!" I say/shout.
"We want to know if you two will give us your blessing." Zack said.
"Of course, we'll give you our blessing."
"I got news, but can I tell you in your room please?" Han says.
"Okay. Follow me."
We walk to my room and shut the door. Han and I sit on my bed.
"What's going on?" I ask worried.
"I'm pregnant with a girl." My eyes widen and tears start to well in my eyes.
"HANNAH!! OH MY GOD!! I'M HAPPY FOR YOU AMD ZACK!" We walk out and Jordan asks to talk to me.
Jordan takes my hand and directs me to the bedroom.
"Why were you shouting?" Jordan asks.
"Hannah is pregnant with a girl." I say with a huge grin on my face. "I knew they already had one kid, I'm their godmother."
I walk into the living room.
"You guys are welcome to stay here as long as you guys want until you have found a place to live in."
"I'm going to make lunch. Han, do you want to help me?" I ask. She gets up and follows me to the kitchen to make lunch.
*time skip until done making lunch and eating
Jordan's P.O.V
Hannah and Zack has already gone to bed while Kenz and I are watching a movie on the couch. (I call Hannah Han at school so this person is real!) I put my arm around her shoulders and she snuggles into me. Halfway through the movie, Kenz had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I turn the movie off and pick her up bridal style. I take off her shirt and jeans so she won't be uncomfortable. I place her under the covers and I get in and wrap my arm around her waist. Finally, I drift off to sleep.
Bonjour my lovelies! I hope you guys this chapter and I will write another for today since this one was supposed to be up yesterday. Goodbye my lovelies!

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