Chapter One

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~Drew's POV~
The sunlight shown through my bedroom window, blinding me. I shielded my dark brown eyes as I groggily got up out of bed. I heard a commotion outside. What could possibly be going on..? I've never heard them in such a fuss before..

I stumbled over to my window facing the street. People were running back and forth down the street, yelling at each other for various reasons. The light outside was too bright for my dazed and sleepy eyes to make out much more than that.

After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My house is moderately sized, with a large area of land to take care of. Part of it goes into the woods, where I often go to write, shoot my bow and arrow, or simply to think away from the distraction of everyday life. I wasn't too interested in talking to anyone in the town; they were all too interested in their technology or being included with the latest gossip and fads.

After grabbing an apple off of the counter-- I'm not really a breakfast sort of person-- I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows, my backpack with my journal and pens in it, and my cell phone filled with music, and ran out the back door, eager to get to the woods and away from the noise of the people out front. I sprinted into the woods, scattering the many small animals that lived there. I bounded over fallen trees and small bushes, dodging the trees that were in my way. It felt like I was barely touching the ground; like I was flying. I made it deep into the woods, where I had my targets set up to practice my bow. I quickly pulled it out and notched an arrow, and without stopping my sprint, I took a quick aim and let it fly. I glanced up as I ran past to see it embedded in the center of the target.

I continued this for about ten more minutes, before I was completely out of breath. I came to a stop, my quiver only containing three arrows. I'd collect the ones I shot on my way back to my house. I walked over to a long-fallen tree, and sat down, pulling my journal and a pen out of my backpack. I tapped the pen lightly on the side of my journal, not knowing what to write. A couple of birds flitted by, spinning around each other before speeding away. Further away, a squirrel scampered through the fallen leaves, looking for a place to hide the nut in his mouth. A pair of chipmunks darted after each other, flashing over the tree I was sitting on. I sighed softly. Its so peaceful.. So perfect.. I wish I could stay here forever.. Eventually, my thoughts drifted to a small clearing deeper into the woods. I haven't been there in forever.. Might as well revisit.. I got up quickly, putting my things back in my bag, and my bag on my back. I took a deep breath and began to run again, deeper into the forest. The clearing wasn't too much further.

Though I hadn't been there in a while, I still knew the way to the clearing by heart. I know this place like it's the back if my hand. It was pretty much a second home to me. I come here to escape the drearyness of my everyday life. I come here to be completely myself, completely alone, in the peaceful swaying of the branches, the wind blowing softly through the trees, the sound of birds chirping as they flit through the air..

Before long, I made it to the clearing. What my eyes settled on made me stop in my tracks, my eyes wide with fear and surprise.
Cliffhanger!~ What do you think so far? >^<

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