A Date to Remember

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             Raghav couldn't believe his luck. He spent the next hour and half in front of the mirror, finally giving up to his mother's last warning to have lunch. He was ecstatic, and his mother could sense it. "What happened to you? WHy are you not eating?" She asked.

He had to shy her off saying he had plans to eat the 'kachori' at pakodewala near the lake. He hurriedly left for his room amidst his mother's complaints. After lot of deliberation, he had decided to wear a light blue jeans, a round neck white tee and a blue pullover. It was not winter, but he remembered how Riya had complimented him the first time her wore it in front of her. Raghav was at her place 10 minutes before, but waited outside to be sure of not showing desperate self. Finally when it was time, he rang the bell.

"Hey Raghav! How are you?" She stood there on the door wearing a figure hugging bright magenta designer kurti and a white chudidar and dupatta. The dupatta had pink shades on it. She looked ravishing!

"Raghav... what happened? Do we have time or need to leave?" Raghav was stunned. He had no answer to the beauty standing in front of him.

"Ah no... may be yes. We might leave now." Raghav avoided confronting with any one at home.

Their journey to the movie theatre was hardly eventful. They met traffic on a saturday afternoon and were barely able to speak through Raghav's helmet. Raghav hoped they reached the theatre as early as possible. So that he could speak with her, spend some time alone away from her ever bearing friends. But unfortunately fate had other plans, they were greeted by a long queue for tickets. Humid weather added to Raghav's vows, meaning Riya had to go and stand in the shadow while he desperately waited for the tickets. If that was not bad, the movie was an action packed thriller... hardly a choice for a romantic date. They could barely talk during the first half. Riya was either too occupied with Amir Khan or her hair. But she looked beautiful in that dimly lit cinema hall. The changing pattern of light rays falling on her face were making her look even more beautiful. She was sitting conservatively, making sure to avoid contact. But there were those small brushes with her palm enough to distract Raghav. By the time it was interval, Raghav could hardly remember what happened. During the break she chose to stay inside while he offered to buy her a cold drink and a Samosa. Luck was ruing Raghav's chances today. The cafe was crowded, which meant he missed on the chance to talk to her even at the interval.

The movie restarted and Riya was again engrossed. Raghav decided that he had had enough.He broke a conversation complimenting how Amir Khan looked. Later he talked about the moview plot and slowly a two way conversation began to brake. They joked about the story, laughed about the villians and passed comments on the actress. Soon the movie was over. Riya was caught amidst the crowd trying to get out of the theatre at once. She was getting pushed and shoved when suddenly a hand gripped her right shoulder. Riya went cold, she turned her gaze backwards, but smiled. It was Raghav. He was protecting her and leading her out. By the time they got out, it was getting darker. Riya had to go home early so that her parents dont scould her. This meant Raghav's ice cream plan was floored. But then he had a chance to take her for a drive. They took a de-tour in order to avoid traffic. This time Raghav chose not to wear the helmet. On her way back they talked about the movie, their college, the friends, the lectures and so on... Hardly a romantic talk, but Raghav wasn't complaining.

As soon as they approached Riya's house, Raghav's heart started beating fast. He had to say it, had to confess his love. But he was too afraid to lose a friend. Finally when they reached, Riya got down resting her hand over his shoulder. He felt very cold.

"Alright, thanks for the wonderful time Raghav." She said.

"Its my pleasure. I hope you had fun"

"Oh yes. Very much." And there was a long silence.

"So... see you in the class then." She said and strated to turn.

"Riya!" he said rather loud. "I was wondering if you liked the movie. I mean the experience."

"Yes... why? it was good."

"Ya I mean not exactly the movie. I mean the time you spent with me. I mean... you know. I hope I did not bore you."

"Of course not. You are a wonderful person. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing much" Raghav said. "I just wanted to... to know if you like spending time with me."


"I know I know... dont get me wrong. Its just that, may be ... you know." He was struggling for words and he saw she was smiling. "Its just that I've started liking you. I was wondering if..."

There was a momentous pause and then he heard Riya's mother calling her. She had obviously seen her from the balcony. Riya started to rush towards the house, but stopped.

She turned and said, "I do!" <3 ;)


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