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It was morning and I was walking to school with my two older brothers, Souske and Rita. They might be smaller then me but they're really older then me . My name is Ren Atsuko and I am 16 years old. Today will be my first day attending high school.

This is a really big step in my life because I was usually home schooled after my parents died, which happened around the time when I was in preschool. But finally I can work with my personal skills. We make it finally after another 15 minutes to my new school. It was huge. People surrounded the whole front yard, chatting along with themselves. '' W-wow so many people '' was all I could manage as I made my way through the crowd and into the front doors of the building. As I pass through the long halls searching for the office, I hear sudden thuds of heels hitting the marble floor becoming louder by the second. I looked up to see a girl heading my way balancing a stack of books in her arms.

"Look out!"She exclaimed, slamming into me before I could actually react. The impact wasn't enough to make me fall to the ground. But her being small and carrying so many books at a time made her crash into the marble floor with all heavy books on top of her. Everybody in the hall stopped their conversations and laughter to look at her and me.

Ignoring the looks they were giving us, I hurried to her side and removed all books from on top of her checking if she was alright. '' um are you OK are you hurt um miss....'' And when I ask her she just looked at me then left.

As I ask people for the way to the office a boy with piercings passes by me and he does a '' tch'' sound like I did something to him but all I did was ignore him and walked to the office .When I got there my two older brothers where talking to the director about my information to enter the school .'' Souske , Rita what the hell are you doing '' when i asked that the director just looked at me and smiled while my brothers looked at me as if I was going to get it when i get home'' Well Ren your brothers where just telling me about you and they are right

and as she said that my brother's dragged me to my class.

*in the hallway*

We walked to the class that was my home room and I saw my hands get crystallize and my brothers noticed and gave me a big jacket to hide them but it was getting worse (he was wearing a girls uniform ...not much money. hehehe '3') "Ren come on get control of that please" I heard Rita say he was always so hard with me because I never could control my power. " aww come on Rita don't be like that to him you know u like it you think its cute and don't deny it" souske said while hugging and patting my head as if I where a child again" we'll I'm just saying and yeah it is cute and I just hate it when that happens" said Rita as he grabbed my hand and flicking me on the fore head "b-bakas! both of u are making me look like a fool" I said and left into the classroom without hearing what they said and seeing a full class which made me more nervous but I took a deep breath and said" konichiwa I'm Ren Atsuko and I would love to get to know you all and thanks for accepting me in your school" I finally manage to say and the teacher said you'll welcome and points me to a seat next to a window and the boy I saw before but no piercings ,all I did was smile at him and he eyed me up and down and did the famous "tch".

*lunch time with the one and only levi*(what dose he have to do with this story i don't know)

It was finally my favorite part of the day lunch, I got up from my seat and walked to the roof to eat my lunch I made for me as I walked threw the halls I bumped into some boys" oh, I'm sorry" the blond one said as he helped me up on my feet" don't be such a idiot Ichigo she is fine she just fell right sweetheart" the other boy said asking me -did he just call me sweetheart and she what the hell? -  I thought to my self and did a terribleness goodish smile" um yeah" I manage to say and continued to walk" hey chick!" I herd but I bet it wasn't to me so I just continued walking and I got to the roof I noticed a cat not just a normal cat is was a blue furry cat .That cat was mine " Daike what are you doing here your supposed to be at home "I said as I walked up to the furry blue cat of mine"Well I was at home but I got so board of being alone so decided to come and see how you are going at your new school " he said as he twitched his little white and blue ears.
"I don't have time for this Daike OK I'm at school and if people saw me talking to a cat they will think i'm crazy "And with that I turned around and started to walk away but I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me to there strongly chest"what if I wasn't a cat anymore, remember Ren I can transform into a human but there is one problem....I'm naked hehe" Daike said with a seductive voice and a hint of lust " B-baka are YOU crazy put some clothes on or turn back and go home I cant be seen like-" Daikes soft and smoothing finger was on my lip telling me to shut up and stop exaggerating "Don't worry baby you wont get caught OK we're on the roof and nobody will ever dare to come up here , so just relax and savior the moment"And with what he said I just blushed"M-many people come up here so shoo and i'll see you at home "As I said that i pushed him and looked away so i wouldn't see the special present he had because if I did I would get a huge nosebleed and i don't want that. But at least he did what I said and he left .....with my lunch"DAMN CAT YOU TOOK MY LUNCH NO CATNIP FOR YOU NOR WE GET TO PLAY!!!" yelled from the roof and left down to the lunch room to buy my lunch


hey its nekochan454 what do you think of the story sorry for all the miss spelling i promise i will fix all of it

neko out peace

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