Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

History was finally over! After the teacher had dismissed us I took out my time table and found my next lesson was science… yay…. As I began wondering down the halls trying but failing to find this god damn class I found everyone began to disappear until I was alone roaming the halls.

By this time I had no clue where I was, I sighed and began making my way back to reception to ask. As I was walking I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest as I found myself falling down onto the solid concrete.

‘Ahhhh’ I painfully screeched

‘oh I am so sorry!’ before I could register what had just happened I felt a hand grab hold of my upper arm dragging me up onto my feet, I looked up rubbing the back of my head where I had banged it on a locker and found a girl who looked the same age as me. She had black hair with green tips, and was wearing a Replacements shirt, I smiled knowing that there was at least one person in this whole school I could possibly become friends with.

‘Ermm it’s fine, I’m okay… I think’ I smiled picking up my things

‘I’m Amy, are you new?’ she seemed quite friendly and began helping me gather my books.

‘Is it that obvious? And I’m Jess’ I chuckled throwing my bag over my shoulder,

‘Only a little, you’re from England then?’ she asked passing me the last book

‘No?’ I answered confused, she looked at me bewildered re assessing my accent in her mind, I smirked and she realised I was joking

‘I like you Jess’ she smiled and I actually didn’t mind her company either, which was weird seems as though I never like anyone’s company not even my own.

‘So where’s your next lesson?’ she asked pointing to the crumpled up time table I had clenched in my hand.

‘Well I have science, I don’t know where though’ I smiled passing her the time table

‘Oh that’s the room just across from me, come on I will walk with you’ she smiled and we began walking,

‘So when did you get here?’ she asked trying to fill the awkward silence

‘Yesterday’ I answered looking down at my feet, the whole situation had gone so quickly I hadn’t really had chance to let it all sink in, I was so confused.

‘Oh’ she could sense that I was uncomfortable talking about it all,

‘Okay so here we are, if you want I will wait here for you after lesson and we can sit together at lunch?’ she seemed a really nice person, and I knew I wouldn’t find anyone else who I didn’t mind talking with, I still hadn’t gotten used to the whole American accent, I still found it wired

‘Yeah okay…. Thanks’ I smiled and she made her way into her class. i took a deep breath before slowly opening the door.

As soon as I stepped in the same starring and uncomfortable whispering began

‘Oh, you must be the new student…. Welcome’ A tall thin man wearing glasses rose from his seat and made his way towards me,

‘Ummm yes…’ I trailed off just wishing the floor would just swallow me

‘Well you can sit here next to Frank’ I looked over to where he was pointing I saw a weird looking kid with green hair sat smiling at me patting the seat next to him. I looked up to the teacher trying to make him see how much I really didn’t want to go sit there, but he just nodded before walking back to his seat. I sighed and began shuffling over towards my seat

‘Please don’t call me Frank… it’s a stupid name… call me Tre’ the guy sat next to me smiled and held out his fist.

‘And Tre isn’t?’ I giggled looking at his fist

‘No… what’s your name?’ he kept it fist out reached towards me waiting with an eye brow raised. Okay so he maybe a little weird but he seemed really interesting and I myself am not a conventional teen, so I decided to give him a chance.

‘I’m Jess’ and I bumped his fist, Tre seemed pleased with the result and nodded turning back to his work

‘Can I call you j?’ he whispered still with his head down doing his work

‘Ermmm yeah I guess?’ I answered confused. He just nodded still not looking up.

As I sat looking through the book the teacher had given me saying that all the information on everything we are going to be studying could be found in it, I found myself doodling all over the pages and changing words, I suddenly felt a soft object hit the back of my head, I quickly turned round ready to drop kick the fucker…

‘Sorry…. I was meant to hit Tre’ the boy two seats back from me whispered, he had black shaggy hair which was kept in place with a baseball cap loosely thrown on to his head back to front, he had a Ramones shirt on also, only his was large an baggy, he wore three quarter length jeans with converse. I scowled and turned back to defacing the text book. Until I felt another paper ball being launched at me head. I slowly turned round to find the same guy smiling

‘I’m Billie’ he winked I rolled my eyes and without saying a word turned back to the front, I heard a soft chuckle, I knew it was him.

I looked over to Tre’s work wondering what he had spent his whole lesson working on, I found that instead of doing his reaction write ups he had actually been drawing some sort of logo, he must have noticed me looking because he suddenly turned to me with the biggest smile.

‘What do you think?’ he sounded like an excited child which made me giggle a little

‘What is it?’ I asked looking over the strange writing

‘It’s our band logo’ he looked at me for appreciation

‘Green Day…..’ I said out loud reading his words, he just smiled and nodded, still waiting for what I thought, It actually did look good

‘Yeah I like it’ I smiled, Tre gasped and looked at me nearly crying

‘I am so happy you think so’ he looked like he was accepting an award, which caused me to laugh a little louder

‘Miss Daniels…. Do you find your text book funny?’ I had learnt that my science teacher Mr Warshore was actually a very boring man who only liked silence,

‘No it most certainly is not’ I was only telling the truth it truly was the dullest reading material I had ever set eyes on, he let out an over exaggerated sigh and slowly made his way towards me

‘So you decided to deface a piece of school property then’ he narrowed his eyes, I could feel the whole classes eyes burning into me, I smirked

‘Not deface, made it more interesting’ I smiled sweetly, he roughly grabbed the text book from my hands and threw it onto his desk.

‘I shall be keeping an eye on you Miss Daniels’ I rolled my eyes and he went back to his desk, I heard ‘Billie’ or whatever his name was chuckle form behind me… I don’t think we will be getting along very well. I sighed and sat cross armed leaning back on my chair starring at the clock.

finally the bell sounded to signal the end of class, i quickly stood and gathred my things, but before i could make my way to the door Tre began questioning me about where i was from, he began asking me everything.... what it was like... what school i went to... were i lived.... if i had ever met the queen... i smiled as i realised that i actually really liked him and he is a potential freind....

 okay guys so sorry it has taken soooooo long to update, but if you read my other story you will know i have been very busy, BUT i have finished college now so i have loades of spare time so be expecting updates regular on both stories... with this one i want to know wether it is worth carrying on so please comment and vote and let me know.... thanks everyone sorry its taking a while for the story to get going but again if you have read my other stories you will know its just the way i write.... anyway i love you all ! thanks for reading guys!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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