The Teacher's Affair, Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Skippers

I woke up rapped up in Erik's warm comfortable arms.

This was the best thing ever!

For some reason it just felt right.

Like I had found my own little private place in the world.

It was then that I realized that I might be falling for him.

Maybe not quite fallen yet, but close very very close.

I snuggled my cheek up to his chest smiling like a fool.

" What are you smiling at you goofball?"

Blood rushed up to my cheeks as I hid my head in his chest.

" Nothing baby nothing" I replied.

Erik lifted my face off of his chest as he asked " Did you just call me baby?"

"Yes" I said blushing harder.

Why the hell did I do that?!

He rubbed his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss as he stated " I like that."

Erik kissed me softly on my lips and we both broke out in a smile in the middle of it.

Oh God we were turning into those crazy happy looking couples that make other people sick.

 Wait did I just think of us as a couple?

 This man is making me crazy!

I don't have the slightest idea what I should do!

I mean I know being around him makes me happy, but is it right?

This man is my teacher for Christ's sake.

"So what do you say to ditching school today Kayla?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said " Sure why not."

Truth be told I was just curious of what he had in mind.

" Kayla have you ever shot a gun?"

" Uh no...."

" I'm going to take you today, it should be fun" Erik stated.

" I don't know Erik... I don't know the slightest thing about guns."

" I'll teach you. Trust me you will love it."

* 3 hours later

" Erik I can't hit anything" I exclaimed pouting!

" Honey you can't expect to be good on your first time trying. Shooting takes years to perfect and even then some people still don't get it" Erik said comfortingly.

" Help me?"

Erik walked behind me and put his arms around my waist until he was holding my hands that held the gun.

Together we clicked the safety off and cocked the pistol back.

He showed me how to aim and lined up the end of the gun with my squinted eye.

Our fingers pulled the trigger once, twice, eight times until we emptied the clip.

We walked up to our the target and I saw that it was the closest I had shot to the middle all day.

All of my shots were grouped up in a small little circle showing that I had aimed in the same place.

Just then, I became aware of Erik's arms still wrapped around me.

I could feel his hard on pressed to my lower back and I had to fight back a moan.

Erik pulled me tighter against him and placed his face in my hair.

I could have sworn that I heard him smell my hair, but before I could make fun of him he had me pressed up against the wall behind the target with my legs around him.

Man on man how I love his rough side.

Erik grabbed a fistful of my hair to pull my face up to his.

His lips claimed mine in a lustful dance that had my heart beating like a kick drum.

I couldn't catch my breath as he nibbled on my lips in a slow seductive way that almost had me begging for him... almost.

His hands tangled in my hair massaging my scalp in a circle that sent tingles from head to toe.

Those tingles went to a very specific place that did make me beg for him.

" Oh Erik" I moaned.

" What do you want Kayla?"

I blushed as pornographic thoughts rushed through my brain one after the other.

I wanted him in my bed on top of me and inside of me.

I wanted to be on top of him, I wanted him behind me, who am I kidding I wanted to be everywhere as long as he was inside of me NOW!

" Kayla tell me what you want."

I gulped as I pushed away every moral value that I had ever held dear as I said " I want you to make love to me."

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