Chapter 4

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After breakfast, which the twins, Hermione and I ate alone, Hermione suggested we research Neko's a bit in the library upstairs. As we were looking for more books, which Fred and I had just been pilling next to Hermione and George, I notice some dark arts books stashed away in the far corner on a large book shelf as well as some dark creature books. I walk over and grab a book off the shelf, feeling the design on the cover of a small cat print, etched in gold. I feel my cat ears perk up and hear someone knock over part of the book shelf from the other side. I scramble to get out of the way, but I'm too slow. Th e book shelf falls and I wrap my arms around my head, ducking to the floor, bracing myself for the force, but it never comes. I open my eyes, not realizing until now that I had shut them, and see Fred holding the book self above me. He gives me a pained smile.

"Glad you're safe kitten." He breaths out with a shaky breath. George comes over and quickly gets me out from under the book shelf, but Fred could barley hold it anymore, and the book shelf feel over on him as he collapsed under the weight. I let out a small cry as George pulled Fred out from under the book shelf, Fred only being knocked unconscious, but he had a nasty bruise on his left eye from the corner of the book shelf.

Mischief Managed {Harry x Fred x George}Where stories live. Discover now