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"I'm hungry. Let's eat something and maybe we can get somewhere..." Goku sighed again, going back to his dresser and pulling on some clothes. He followed Vegeta out into the kitchen. Vegeta looked around and saw a chess board right outside of the kitchen. "I thought you didn't play chess."
"I've only played it a few times," said Goku. "It was Gohan's when he was a kid. Chichi made me play him a few times to boost his logic." He went to make some food as Vegeta stared at the chess board, thinking. He sat at the kitchen table, crossing his arms and leaning back. A few minutes later, Goku put a plate of food in front of Vegeta, then sat at the table with food for himself. "Why so quiet?"
"Thinking," said Vegeta, eating quickly. Goku frowned, eating as well. Once they were finished, Vegeta smirked and leaned on his hand, looking at Goku. "Let's play chess."

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