Chapter 6

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Her entrance into the hall was a blur. High born nobles, cheering crowds and bright colours all faded into unrecognisable, glorious technicolour as Eroan escorted her through the throng of people. Fragile shards of confetti floated all around them like snow, and somewhere horns were playing a joyful tune, joined by a mournful lyre. Alais gripped Eroan's arm tightly, rather unwilling to let him go as they reached her father. Coryn wore the same shade of blue as she did, and Alais had never seen him look so proud, so triumphant. She wished it were infectious.

Alais froze when high-backed, gold edged thrones came into view. Behind them stood the members of the other families, all unreadable in their expressions. Her heart tugged slightly seeing Orion hanging his head.

It should have been him.

The elderly priest from the election night edged forwards and Eroan stepped back to join his brother, who appeared to be more interested in the falling confetti. Soon it was just her and Coryn standing in front of hundreds of eager, awe-stricken faces, all waiting to witness history being made.

'Coryn, Alais, please kneel,' instructed the priest, indicating to two velvet cushions at his feet. Turning their backs to the crowd, they faced their future together. Coryn gave Alais' hand a brief squeeze. It wasn't as reassuring as it should have been.

Alais felt like ice as she knelt before the priest, like she couldn't move. Time seemed to pass in slow motion, blurring into itself like falling rain. Her father's forehead was anointed with the mark of Animus, a figure of eight, in oil, and her's followed.

Then came the crowns made of glittering rubies and solid gold. The priest held her father's crown high above his head and spoke in his deep, booming voice: 'Do you, Coryn Everley, promise to serve and protect this realm of Arylla, take council from the other high families, and uphold the law, and that you will do so with all of your power and will?'

Silence followed, and hundreds of people waited to hear his response.

Coryn barely whispered his response, as if saying it only to himself. 'I will.'

Thunderous applause broke out as the priest brought the crown to Coryn's awaiting head. Arylla had a new king, and Alais wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, leaving nothing but the empty throne and a crown without a princess. To her horror, the priest took the second crown, smaller and more dainty in size, and raised it above her. It stared down at her with contempt and blinded her with its magnificence.

She could still get out of there. She could still run.

After moving only an inch, without even taking her eyes off the crown, Alais felt Coryn grip her wrist.

'Don't move,' he hissed under his breath.

She was trapped.

'Do you, Alais Everley, promise to serve and protect this realm of Arylla, take council from the other high families, and uphold the law, and that you will do so with all of your power and will?'

No, I don't want this. No. No.

Glaring at the priest with her unspoken words, she waited for him to urge a response out of her. She had to answer. She had to swear the oath. She wouldn't. She willed him to stop.

But the priest didn't speak again. Instead, his eyes glazed over and a look of confusion washed over him. The crown slipped from beneath his fingertips and the entire hall held its breath in anticipation. Before it hit the ground, Coryn grabbed it, pulled himself to his feet, and stood in front of Alais, a great, terrifying bear in a rage.

'Say the words,' he muttered, and the menace she had long known her father to possess returned in an instant. Gone was the image of the serene king: before her stood a tyrant. 'Say them!'

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