The Only One Standing

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Chapter One

Mr.Alivan was the murderer. We were all sure of it. Dang it! Now we have to be precautious and be responsible. This was stupid. Why couldn't he be more of a gentleman. Meanwhile, Hazel screamed "Calvin!" Mr.Alivan told us he was sorry he couldn't help it. Really? That was the most stupidest excuse I have ever heard. Daniel then said "Mr.Alivan, why do you like to murder people?" Mr.Alivan then answered "It is my joy". Dang he is dangerous. Let me tell you what happened next.

Chapter Two
Well, Daniel gets killed. Yes you could say Mr.Alivan was the monster in the school. Who knows if I am going to live. Well, each of my classmates were getting killed. I wonder what there mom is going to say. I was the only one living. Well, Sabiha it is your lucky day. I ran as quickly as I can. Guess what happened next.

Chapter 3
  MR.ALIVAN DIED!!!!! I don't know how. Maybe because of his obesity. He ate a lot of food. Who knows? The next adventure is coming up. See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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