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Hi I am blade and I am an orphaned vampire. I am 16 but I am turning 17 in two weeks. And I am never going to get adopted. "Hey blade umm some people are here to adopt 15-17 year old girls and dress nice please they will be coming to each room of all the girls" the head women said he name in lucy and she is the only person who is nice to me here "ok I will be out in a minute,I just have to fix my hair and makeup and also feed a little just cause I dont want to get in a bad mood" she nodded and left.

A/N my outfit foe the day Is in the link above.

I walked to my speaker and get my ipod out and put on rebel love song by bvb. I swear they are my life. I fixed my makeup and hair and feed a little from a blood bag,my favorite blood is A positive and just sung to the song and waited. It has been ten minutes and I have been ready soo I was getting bored. I just got my head phones and a pencil and paper and put on a new song called COMATOSE by skillet.

The intro was long but I luv violin. Then I started to sing. For some reason I drew the bvb logo and demon wings. I was about finished when I heard the door get knocked on. "Come in please" I said while sitting up straight. I cant believe who I saw it was sammie doll... jinxx's wife"hi there whats ur name cutie" she said while sitting in my desk chair. "Ummm u can sit on the bed if u want and my name is blade" she sat next to my feet and she asked me"so whats ur story" I kind of tensed up a little and I told her

"well I was here my whole life and I always get skipped over for what people call normal but I call them scary" me and her laughed and I continued " umm I am home schooled,well I was I graduated 2 years early but I dont know how old I am and I dont think u might know this but I am a vampire child and the only one here" she looked at me with apologetic and shocked eyes "but whatever and I have a question" she looked at me. "Shoot ur question blade" I laughed a little and asked "soo why r u adopting here in this hell whole." She looked at me. "Well I just thought that I would fing a good little vampire daughter here. And I always wanted a vampire daughter and I am glad ur one to causes my and my husbands band are vamps two." I lookdd at her again and stood up" there Is one more thing that has to be said,or well shone before u leave." She looked confused at first and just nodded her head.i lok a deep breath and spoke" I have wings"

I opened my wings they r black feathers with white ones here there. She just gasped and got up. She walked to my wing and just admired them. "Hehe u look amazing" she said. " thanks I luv my wings." She looked like she got an idea. "What" I asked her "can you fly?" She asked "course I can but there is a force field around the house so I cant here." She looked at me with a smile. I smiled back as I put my wings away. "The time is up r u ready to pick a girl" lucy said. Yes I have a good Idea who I want to pick."she said smiling at me. "Pack ur stuff darling ur part of my family now" I teared up and hugged . "Blade get ur stuff packed while we do the paper work. I am so happy for " lucy said hugging me.

Thanks I will be down in a minute" I said as they walked out of my room I waited a second and ran around the room. I got all my stuff like clothes, posters, blood bags and girly stuff but when I got my bag something fell out. A little piece of metal that used to be my friend. My blade, I grabbed it and threw it in the toilet and flushed it I watched as my old friend went down and I felt sooo much better but I still have to tell sammie that I never fed from anything but blood bags.

I walked down to the desk but on the way there a girl that bullied my speaks."looks like she got adopted by another emo." I looked at her" AT LEAST I GOT ADOPTED AND SHE IS NOT AN EMO THATS JUST A STUPID NAME FOR NORMAL,STUPID PEOPLE TO CALL US WHO DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK."I screamed her and punched her in the eye. I used my super speed to go to sammie and lucy they were talking. "Hey u ready kiddo" I smiled like a doof and nodded.

"Soo why did u pick me again?" I asked her while we got out of the building. I saw her car,it was a black diesel truck. It was amazing. I put my stuff in the back and hopped in the front.


we got back from starbucks and there was a big house."this is the band house but me and jinxx live some were else but we u wanted to meet they guys first." I nodded and I grabbed her hand"ummm I get a little nervous around new people by tje way so when I seem like I am not being relaxed I am just nervous." She held my hand and pulled me to the door. "Bye the way the boys r a little on the crazy side. Espesally with new people."

I nodded and she opened she door. I was walking behind sammie when I herd someone yell I got in instinct mood and jumped in front of sammie with my eyes red and wings out. "Its ok thats how it is at the the house" she said trying to calm me down just them I senced someone behind my and I jumped on them. "OMG I AM SOOO SORRY " I said while getting up and helping him up. I could not believe who I just tackled. It was ashley purdy.

"Its finnne" he said extending the n because he saw my wings. "Ohh sorry I will put them away" "NOOO DONT its fine I have those to but mine are red" he opened his wings and let me see them,then he put them away. Hold on a second.....GUYS COME HERE" he yelled. I got scared a walked to sammies side. Next thing I notice is the the rest of bvb is here.

"Wow who is this" asked andy. "Remember guys I told u that me and sammie wanted to adopt and I let her go pick a girl her self." He said while walking to me and sammie. "I have a question" I said quietly. "Go ahead hun" said sammie. " no one has notice my huge wings and I want to u some thing sammie" I asked. They all looked up and my big black and white wings. "Show me baby." She said I walked out side and stopped them three feet away from me,i then looked at them with a smirk before bending my knees and flying up in the air. Soon after ashley joined with me and we just flew around a few times.

We came back and they all looked astonished."ya thats what I wanted to show u,u asked earlier and I never got to show u." "That was amazing blade" sammie said hugging me. "Ur a good flyer maby we could go a little farther next time" ashley said seductively and putting his wings away. I put my wings away and walked inside the guys were just goofing around when w e got to the point were I started having visions, my vision was of this women she had short hair and dark eyes coming toward me and kicking me and ripping my flesh open. She was a werewolf. "Hey u ok u have been zoning out for like 3 minutes" I looked at them and I told them about my powers. Turns out that cc has speed,sammie has visions,andy has strength,jake has invisibility,and dad jinxx has the ability to hold in his thirst for how ever strong his strength is,and ashley born a vampire like me and he has all my powers aswell and he has blood red wings.

I have that power but I can hold It in for a week. I have all those powers but I dont want to show off. We just watched movies and ordered pizza. Then sammie stood up stretched"come on baby lets go get home so u can get settled " all the guys "awwwe" but they get up and hug me goodbye. I walked out behind mom and dad to the truck.

(Time lasp after drive home sorry am tired its like 12:00 at night and I got bored...see this is how dedicated I am to this book)

I walked up to the house it was huge it was two stories and mom said I got the best room. She unlocked the door for me and I walked in there were two stair cases one in front of me and the other was on the left side of the floor. To my right there was the kitchen then the dinning room. Then there was an opening in the wall leading to the living room. And this is just the first floor.

I walk up the stair case in the left hand side of me and saw mom and dads room. After that mom lead me to my room which was up the other stair case. To the right of the stairs was a hallway leading to a giant room and a connected bathroom." This is ur room I thought a girl like urself would like to decorate it how u like. " said mommy. There was a big queen size bed a desk a dresser and a big comfy chair that hangs on the wall that looks like a bittin apple. I ran over to her and dad and hugged them "thank u soo much for picking me I thought I would be there all my child hood" I said while a tear escaped from my eye.

"Of course baby" said mommy we r happy u like it here and we wont let anything happen to u" said daddy. Now we can unpack later tomorrow and get stuff like that for ur room tomorrow but right now we need to go get some sleep" mom said while she walked to the door"kk thanks mom thanks dad " I said while getting my bag and getting some pjs. "Night baby girl"said daddy jinxx. While closing the door so I can get dressed. I slipped on my pjs and layed in bed. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about my life before all of today. Abot finding out that ashley is like me,and my new fam is. And just think In two weeks I am going to be 17 wow I am super excited to find out what my future holds now.

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