Chapter 3

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(Luke's POV)

It's been a week since that radio interview and I think I'm ready to tell the boys. I mean, they deserve to know what I am.

"Guys I need to talk to you!" I scream thoughout our hotel room. Multiple heads popped in the door way as my palms grew sweaty.

"Hey Luke, what is it?" Calum asked simply with a smile placed on his lips.

"I think it would be best if you sat down." I stated simply. They gave each other worried looks as they walked past me and sat on the bed. I stood in front of them nervously messing with the edge of my shirt.

"W-well guys there are two things I need t-to tell you." They all just nodded motioning me to continue.

"Well guys I-I'm g-gay." I stated nerves turning my vision black and blue.

"Aww Luke, that's ok man; we don't mind." Michael said while having the biggest smile.

"Ya man it's totally fine." Calum joined in.

"Totally. Gay is ok." Ashton finished.

"Now what was the other thing Lukey?" My heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I gave each of them a warm smile as I continued.

"W-well this one is a really big thing. So I won't mind if you h-hate me." I said this with ease, but they just all gave me confused looks.

"Well... g-guys I'm a hybrid." I said this trying my best not to stutter. I reached up and removed my beanie to release my two blond ears and I let my tail loose as I finally looked up to see their faces.

Their faces were painted with surprised looks, not one of them moving a muscle as I stared at them, waiting for an answer. Ashton slowly stood up from the bed, letting out a deep, shaky breath as he walked over to me.

"Luke, I think it would be best if you stayed somewhere else tonight." Shocked, I met his gaze.

"What?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

"Luke, just give us some ti-" I cut him off there.

"You know what? Fine. If you want me gone for the night, then I will go." I stated, ready to burst into tears any second now.

"Luke you know that's n-" Calum tried, but I cut him off.

"No, just stop, stop talking. I'll see you at noon." I stomped out of the room while slipping on my beanie and hiding my tail. As I walked towards the elevator I could already feel the tears streaming down my face.

But little did I know...

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