Fight or flight

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Lucas's POV

I run towards the gym, I burst through the door and I only see the girls looking scared in the corner, WHAT, I run towards them looking for answers and they just point to the boys locker room, I run as fast as I open the door and I can't believe what I'm seeing Farkle has Zay pinned up against the lockers. I push Farkle off of Zay and pin him myself "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yell Farkle gives me a angry look "SHUT UP LUCAS JUST SHUT UP" he yells back and pushes me off but I pin him even harder back "WHAT DID ZAY OR I EVER DO TO YOU" I scream he looks at me like he's hiding something "YOU DON'T DESERVE EITHER OF THEM, YOU BROKE THEM BOTH, NOW I BREAK YOU" he screams back I swear I saw fire in both of are eyes, he tackle me, me and Farkle are fighting on the floor.

Maya's POV

Me and Riley both here yelling and we start to run towards the locker room I hear Zay calling are names. We burst through the door then we both stopped in are tracks and yell "LUCAS, FARKLE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!" Both of the boys stopped and stared at us for a second then Lucas looks back at Farkle angrily and picks him up and pins him against the wall "YOU TAKE THAT BACK" Lucas yells "YOU BROKE THEM" yells Farkle then gestures to us, me and Riley just stare at each other "Zay this fight started because of us" Riley asks "NO Farkle's Parents-" Farkle cuts Zay off, "SHUT UP ZAY" Farkle shouts, In retaliation Lucas pins Farkle harder "NO YOU SHUT UP" Lucas Yells, "Zay about Farkle's Parents" asks Riley, Farkle doesn't snap at Riley though "Farkle Parents are getting a divorce  and I said something that pissed him off not knowing what happened" Zay confessing, me and Riley both look at Farkle and his eyes meet ours and he doesn't look angry anymore, but Lucas still looks at Farkle. Lucas is mumbling stuff under his breath through his teeth. He's Texas Lucas and he didn't hear anything besides, You broke them. I have a hunch he feels the same way I did on New Year's eve, like the words are mocking him and echoing in his head, but instead of sadness he's feeling anger. He's  taking it out on Farkle seeing that he's the one that caused the whole thing to happen even though it wasn't his fault. I have to stop him. "Lucas look at me" I say he keeps looking at Farkle glancing at me for a second not changing his attitude. I step closer to him "LUCAS LOOK AT ME" I yell, finally Lucas take his eyes off of Farkle and just stares at me still looking angry and in a blink of a eye, Farkle tries to escape while Lucas is distracted, but Lucas turns and pushes him against the lockers he doesn't go after him though. He just stands there breathing heavily. "FARKLE" I hear RILEY scream and she runs towards him to help him get up. In that moment I felt anger rush though my body, I aggressively turn Lucas around and he grabs my arms and pins me up not realizing it was me and having the same angry expression. everyone just stares at us and I am just shocked.

What is Texas Lucas capable of.

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