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The both of us are packing away plastic bags filled with groceries, snow falling heavily around us, dusting our heads like icing sugar and slowly seeping into our heavy coats, when someone comes up from behind us. I don't really notice anything until they call out my name. "Lydia, is that you?" they ask, sounding hesitant in case it wasn't who they thought it was. Minseok froze midway in putting another bag into the trunk of his car, glancing sideways at me for a brief second while I ignored the person behind me. I was glad for the beanie and scarf to at least hide my identity for now, so how on earth did they find out who I was?

"It's you, isn't it?" the voice continued, somewhat muted by the heavy snowfall. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and quickly shrugged away. "Do you know how worried everyone is? What, did you run away with your..." the voice paused, and I look up to see him eyeing Minseok up and down, "New lover, I see. Frivolous woman," he spits out, "Come on, you're coming back with me to the house." He grabs my wrist and begins to pull me away. I could only dig the heels of my feet into the ground in resistance. They've found me! They've found me! Echoing over and over in my mind. It must've been when I took off my scarf in the supermarket.

"What do you think you're doing?" Minseok shouts from behind me, running up to stop the man, my uncle, as I got dragged away like a doll. He frees my wrist from the tight grip and holds me close to him, pressing my face into the crook of his neck while confronting my uncle. Compared to the man who calls himself my uncle, Minseok was shorter and leaner, and I doubted that he could fend off my uncle who holds a Dan 3 black belt in Judo. But I'm surprised by his tenacity when he picks me up, throws me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and runs off towards his car. We weren't that far after all. Pushing me into the back seat then jumping into the driver's seat, not even caring once about the seat belts, he sped off.

As soon as Minseok felt we had driven far enough away, he pulled up to a side street curb and looked absolutely defeated with his head resting on the steering wheel. I could do feel my body pumping adrenaline a million miles a minute. It felt like a car chase, scared of being pursued by a man I've hated my entire life and being brought back to that horrid place I call home. But not now. I felt more peace around Minseok who I have known for just over two weeks, than I have for the entire twenty years since my birth. Strangely, I also noted just how careful Minseok was driving even if he was going over the speed limits at the beginning, easily manoeuvring the slick roads. It was probably due to the lack of cars on the road that Minseok dared to drive at such a speed in this weather.

He turned his head, looking at me through his bangs, and breathed out, "How are you feeling?" I shifted in my seat and unwound my fingers from their tight grip on the seat belt. I'd subconsciously grabbed it during our somewhat hasty escape that brought my adrenaline levels sky high. But right now, I just hoped we had lost him in the carpark before he could get to his car and he wouldn't come searching for me. Now, I only need to find a way out of this little town.

"A little shaken," I manage to whisper, "But I need to leave. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've brought you," I add, bowing my head. I don't know where I'll go, or what I will do, I just need to go. As long as they don't find me again, I decide, hoping nothing will shake my resolve. Outside of the car, the snow is falling so heavily that the whole world had turned white. A snowstorm... what better time to get lost and never be found again.

Minseok lets out a grunt of surprise and manages to take hold of my legs before I'm even able to unlock the door. "You're not going anywhere. Not in this weather either. I won't let you," he protests, eyebrows furrowed as he pulls at my ankles. His strength is formidable because in an instant, I'm yanked backwards, knocking my chin on the seat. "And who was that man chasing after you? He seemed to know you very well," he frowned, the crease between his eyebrows deepening further. "He didn't seem all that friendly either. Not with the way he glared at me."

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