Author's Note

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You were rummaging through your mail one day, when you come across a cream colored package, wrapped carefully in a silk baby blue ribbon, with a white note attached to it with your name on it, and your address in blue gel pen. Curious to see if it was a care package from your mom, or a box of fancy chocolates from a fan of yours, you cautiously unwrapped the strange package. In it, you discovered five small books each with a different color, and a white note written in the same blue gel pen. You, with the habit of reading the note first when receiving a package in your brain by your mother's constant nagging, read the note first with much suspicion. It said:

Dear ((your name here please)),

Hello, ((Your name here please))! It's me, Inoma Callain! Do you remember me? I'm the weird girl whom you somehow became best friends with over a quite literal run in (again sorry about bumping it you that day. I wasn't looking, and I was chasing a target.). I know your probably really busy right now, but if you got some free time, and you've nothing better to do (yeah that means if your procrastinating), then read my little book series, that I've written (yes those colorful little books that are most likely infront of you.)! They were something I've written out of shear boredom. They were real good boredom busters too while I was in the middle of the boring parts of my missions. So yeah I'm helping you assassinate your boredom right now, so you sure as heck better thank me you famous procrastinator!

Anyway, hope you enjoy them.

Your Best Friend (I think...did you replace me...?),

Inoma Callain

PS: By the way, the books say 'By, The Mysterious Key'. No I am not claiming those books as mine. I wrote those with my own time, and hand. I just decided to put my pen name on them.

PPS: Be a dear and write about how you think about each book, and send them to me!

Confused about your friend writing the words targets, and missions, you decide to shrug it off. 'This is Inoma I'm dealing with. Of course I'm not suppose to understand what she's talking about.' you thought to yourself.

You cast a side ways glace at the little books. One had a picture of a tree on a grassy hill with two people sitting on opposite sides of the tree. The sky was beautifully shaded with the colors of the twilight sky. It said The Past Season Series No.1 : One Summers Day Long Ago... in a thick, black cursive.

You, being you hated things out of order. Thus, decided to read this one first. Flipping the page of the small book and begin to read.

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