The Sandman's Other Half

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  • Dedicated to Her First And Only Love

Please watch the video to the right. It's a piece of music that I think you should listen to while reading it. I hope you like it.



One summers day, long ago...I lost her. She disappeared out of my safe grasp that day. The day where who I thought was the Sandman, had put her to sleep. I realized that it was his other side. His dark side. The one who puts people to death.


I burst through her house door, out of breath, and teary eyed. "What's the matter?" her father asked a bit shaken. Her father was the town's local doctor, and her mother his nurse. My mother was very ill when we were both children. That's how I met her. We played together, we ate together, we'd stay together, we were very close friends. Until one day, when my mother died when I was thirteen, I had changed because of that. I was suddenly cold, and I hated everything. I isolated myself from everyone, and barley ever spoke. I was never happy, until finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

'Just by looking at you, it makes me feel sad! I know you loved you mom and all, but you need to get over it! Look into the future, and think to yourself, 'Do I want to be this sad old lump forever, or do I wanna live happily?!'....Please, don't be sad anymore I can't stand it. I beg of you, please be happy again.' she was in tears when she told me that. Unable to hold in her emotions for any longer. That's when we became inseparable.

Eventually, we moved to a big city, and went to university. We always came back here too this old town to visit in the summer. But, one summers day...long ago, I didn't return back to the city with her.

"She..." I stuttered, "H-her pulse isn't there." Her father's eyes widened.

"Bring her to her room." he said sternly. I dashed up the stairs to her old yellow flowered wallpaper room. Setting her down gently on her soft bed, I grabbed a small wooden stool in the corner, and pulled it up to her bedside. Grasping her pale hand, I watched her, hoping in vain that she'd wake up, and look at me with worry in her eyes, and ask, 'Why are you crying? Are you alright? Are you sad? What happened?'

Shortly after, her parents came charging in with CPR equipment. I stepped away into the far corner of her room, dragging the stool out of the way as her parents began the CPR equipment. I watched with an emotionless face. Several times the two shocked her heart. Nothing happened. She was gone. She disappeared from the world. Her smile never to be seen again.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

I ran out of the room, to that same hill we were just at. With that same tree we were at, where she slept and where she and I held hands. To that same place, where she spent her last moments of life at. To that same place where I was about to say one of my strongest feelings out loud.

One summers day, long ago, I lost her.

One summers day...long ago I was about to say 'I love you.'



Dear You,

I hope you liked it. Did I make you cry? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. The next story will be happy. I promise. It will be connected to this story, and I hope you read it!

-Inoma Callain/The Mysterious Key

PS: There may be a picture of the two soon.

The Past Season Series No.1 : One Summers Day Long Ago...Where stories live. Discover now