The Last Miners

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Wake up, mine, eat steak fight some mobs, then sleep. That's how my normal day goes. But today it was different. Very different. Today we had more zombies than normal. So much that Miguel's sword broke. Our mineshaft was caved in by some gravel, but at least we still have base camp. We're only here for 3 more days, and then the other guys come in and mine for a month or two, but this rise in zombies has gotten me a bit worried.


They took Miguel. We were swarmed. Tuck was bitten, and chad and I are okay so far. This is starting to make Chad nervous he has a family on the surface that us waiting for him to return to his little boy and wife. I can't stop thinking about my wolf, Toby. I wonder if he's okay and well. Did Garrett remember to check on him today? I hope he's okay... We struck diamonds today. We made chest plates with them. Dear notch get us the hell out of here.


Ryan is dying. He was bitten on the neck by a rouge. It looks bad i gave him a healing potion so i pray that it will help. Tuck seems to be feeling better but we are now very concerned about him because of an incident in the mines. We were mining some iron, when all if a sudden his skin went pale white. His eyes turned blood red. We ran to base camp and locked the doors. When that happened he broke them down but when he entered the room he snapped out if his trance. Something's not right here in the mines. I hope everything's okay on the surface....

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