jackfrost x pitch confusion

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I looksd at bunny as he smirked at me i guess he was still mad at me for calling him a kangaroo.
I was so bored in the spring i decided to go chill at a old cabin i found i never looked inside, so i went to go check it out.
I looked inside and then opened the door as it creaked open then shut behind me i turned on the light switch with my stick it was a red light bulb so everything looked red.
Well this isn't that bad it has a bed and rope, handcu...thats when i relized this cabin is a couple get away my spine sent a cold shiver as i heard a deep voice i turned around pointing my stick at pitch sitting on the bed with red cuff's "what did you expect to be ship with elsa how naughty jack" jack smirked.
"What do you expect from me to be cuff and torturing me for fangirls and nosebleeds i don't think so they can do that to ciel but not me" pitch grin "then handcuff me" jack lowered his stick "what?".
Pitch threw the handcuffs at jack and while catching them he dropped his stick.
"Are you postive" "of course" jack thought for a moment.
Pitch got up from the bed and touched jacks buldge and started rubbing it.
"Unless your too weak".
Jack frown and handcuff pitch to a bar on the cieling making sure it doesn't break.
Jack took off his sweater and took off pitches clothes as pitch smiled.
Jack started to lick pitched chest and lowered the bar so pitch was on his knees still hand cuffed bothe hands.
Pitch started licking jacks buldge and jack moanes pitch said "so cold lower me up now i want you inside me" jack pulled the bar up and spread pitches thighs and stuck his cock inside of pitch thrusting pitch moaned and bit his lip. jack stuck his tounge inside pitches mouth.
As jack thrust he started rubbing piches buldge and pitch moaned "AHh im going to cum" jack smirked and whispered in pitches ear "im going to cum inside of you" and they both cumned moaning.
Two hours later jack was sleeping on the bed while pitch stood up because his ass hurt he did't expect jacks dick to be so big when hard even though that was the first time talking it in the ass.

Thank you for reading my yaoi or whatever im usally not good at writting but more coming soon.

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