seth x a bunch of men part 2

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Seth woke up lying naked still in the old house.
He got up.
Got dress and went threw the back door were the short cut was to my house.
For a sec i thought i can like Ashton but he's just an asshole that left me.
This is all so confusing
  I should have just stuck to fucking girls every month.
I unlocked my door to only see ashton.
"Hello my dear little seth"
  I slappes him across the face and flipped him over my shoulder and got on top of him and was about to punch him when he stopped me.
"Woah never knew you could kick ass like that".
"Yeah i only punch when i'm mad!".
  Ashton smiled
"Yeah i could hurt you too"
"You already did how could you leave me with all those guys"
Tears fell from eyes.
Ashton smiled
"I'm sorry seth but in a way you hurt me too at first you were just going to be another boy i fucked but you became more".
  Tears fell down my cheek
Ashton kissed me gently and i kissed back he smiled and laughed.
"Sorry i can't"
He got up and left the apartment and i started crying.
And cut seth got up.
"God that was so dramatic i'm just happy i don't have to get but fucked in this chaptet".
  Ashton laughed
"Hey claude are you going to pride day".
"Eh maybe"
"Next chapter starts soon so get ready motherfuckers".
   I had to give seth a break so this chapter means alot
Thank you for reading ask seth any question.
   Ps these charapters are made up i thought it would spice the yaoi up lol

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