Part 4 - Ultimate Showdown

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"Cinderelly, Cinderelly, Night and day it's Cinderelly" i sang swaying my hips, as i cooked myself breakfast.

"Ding Dong" Jerry sang as in stepped in the kitchen hallway. Oh Jerry's here. No! Wait I mean Jerry’s here. Like Freaking Hell Jerry's here! How did he even get in ? Plus after all that drama i don't want any retard coming in my house randomly, and singing dingg dongg. Plating my fried bacon on my plate i quickly ran outside.

 ”What are you doing here?” “How did you get in?"

" I’m here for a bit of fun " He showed off his perfect makeup kits

"And you key was under the doormat." he smiled” but if you want i can..."

“no it's okay i was just ...." 

i was finding a suitable word. Come on brain, come on we can do it!"

“Worried, Shock?"

"oh yeahh.."

" Well i thought of trying some new makeup tricks on you and giving you a ultimate makeover." he grinned, dancing his hands in the air with the makeup supplies.

"Am i on TV or something" i raised my eyebrow.

Well, it's about time you meet Jerry. He's gay currently waiting for his love of life. He's a Fashion Designer and believe me you cannot be serious with anything Jerry says and i mean it,  you just can't, he would probably just make fun of you all your life.

" nope now let's go" he said popping the P and dragging me in my room.

"No what can we start with" he stroke his French beard affectionately.

"kay trousers up, we will start with waxing." 

"What no! I am not showing you my legs" i pointed at him with a disgusted face.

“Does it matter, I am gay now come on"

I would pull i trousers up. In fact, Remove them but bloody hell i haven't waxed my legs since i was born. I never born dresses just plain tight jeans. 

"NO no no no ! Please!" i squeezed my eyes shut, as jerry pulled the wax stripped tripping off of my hair from my legs. Oh what bliss! I’m Flying *cough cough sarcasm cough*

" ughh! Stop please enough"

" Woman you have enough hair for the needy" Jerry mocked. I felt my blood heat up that slowly crept on to my cheeks.

" you know we don't need to do this."

"oh no we do ! I’m assigned to change people from nerdies to fashionista's" 

i frowned

" no offence and thank god you have your upper lip done" he added

i wish the ground could swallow me, so i could vanish.

"alright phew! that waxing got me tired, now let's see your wardrobe shall we" 

Oh no. i know what's coming. As he opens my closet he will be greeted with plain v-line t-shirts and some tight jeans, nothing interesting. No they are not my mom's clothes and no ! i did not borrow them from the 60's Romans. 

" Bad taste Woman" Jerry commented as he looked around my closet.

"i know just the thing, let’s go shopping" 

" oh no! we're going nowhere, it's weekend i need rest, then i need to study and you’re going out thank you for the free waxing and the amazing ma-"

i was cut off by Jerry placing scotch tape on my mouth. How ironic I’m being shut in my own house. 

" now if you won't stop blabbering, i will choke you" he warned

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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