Chapter 5

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i woke up hearing "i think she cried herself to sleep" i heard a pan drop "what did you say" "your pillow she is sleeping on is wet and her eyes are wet and when you went to go get pizza at like 2 she was screaming help and she screamed your name and you never came and she cried and wouldn't wake up" i looked damn he tells everything "seriously don't fuck around" "go check" i gasped closing my eyes hearing a bunch of footsteps and the door open i acted sleep and heard "that dream must be the reason she started hating me i didn't come for her when she needed me but what the fuck happened " "you care" "dipshit can you not see she was my best friend from birth until 9th grade i cant just start hating someone because they hate me" "she said you know" i heard him take a deep breathe "i know" "yea and you did nothing and she said she lost you so what did you do" "i don't know" "so why are you an ass to her" "just giving her back what she gives me" they oh'd i could feel him roll his eyes he sighed "what the hell happened" i felt his breathing on me i opened me eyes moving back "ok damn no personal space" he rolled his eyes i rolled off the bed grabbing my phone off the charger and went on Instagram checked my snapchat and save tumblr for breakfast i sighed "jayden said she is gonna pick you up at 11 and take you out" i nodded and clicked off my phone "ok i'm gonna take a shower" i tossed the phone on the bed grabbing my bag walking into the bathroom stripping down and getting in the shower and changing washing my hair and yea just thinking and looked at the products he uses i smiled and sighed when i got out i dried off and wrapped my towel around me after putting on my bra and undies and sighed seeing his ihome i went through his playlist and put on all time low grabbing my brushing singing along as i dried my hair and brushed it and straightened the fly aways and put on my clothes smiling and put on perfume my bracelets and the necklace Mandy gave me put on my small hoops in my first hole then diamond bow studs in my second piercing then diamond studs in my 3rd piercing and cartilage i tucked my hair behind my ear and put on my converse i smiled at my self and took a picture on his phone because i just looked really good then i put my stuff in my bag and and walked out seeing luke standing flicking through the channels in sweats and no shirt and i had to remind myself i am mad at him and turned "some guy named adam called you" i smiled and grabbed my phone facetiming him and i sat on the floor doing my make up infront of his wall length mirror he picked up "good morning beautiful" i smiled "good morning adam" "no pet name" "i dont do pet names" he laughed "im sorry" "its ok" i did my foundation "your putting on make up" "yuparoo" "y-" "no saying i dont need it because i don't care and i've heard it enough and i know i dont i just like make up" he sighed "ok well what are you doing today" "um just hanging out with the girls and just hanging around and im sure were gonna get some decor for Jay's room since she is redoing it" he nooded "well you look beautiful" i smiled "thank you" "are you at someone's house" "yeah im at lulu i mean luke's house" "i though you didnt do pet names" "i dont i didnt mean to say that" "oh ok" i glanced up seeing like looking at the tv still with a red face "what are you doing adam" he sighed "nothing much just working out and hanging with your girls boyfriends then luke ashton michael and calum " i nodded "coolio" "KAI" i heard jay yell i smiled "I'M IN HIS ROOM" i heard footsteps and she walked in wearing light wash shorts a red 3/4 sleeve shirt red vans and her hair in a high messy ponytail and smiled "ready to go go" "yeah you can take my bag" "okie dokie hello Adamn " he laughed "hey jay" she smiled doing a little dance spinning hi-fiving luke grabbing my bag running out i laughed and she screamed "YOU SCARED ME CALUM THOMAS HOOD YOU RUDE BOY" we laughed and i finished my make up 

4 hours later 

we were all sitting on Jay's floor we had just came from the mall Reese was with us and we just moved all her furniture outside with her brother's help and we moved her bed to the other side and her sister just had made a bunch of photos into Polaroids and we hung up like 10 strans of twine going across one wall and hung them up and wrote like cute little messages on the bottom of them and i think the cutest one is a picture of her and ryan from their first date but yeah we have made some good progress i mean we had to pain her walls white which was kinda hard since they were bright pink but we did it and right now we have the happy wall she calls it with all the photos and her bed nightstands tv vanity her desk is drying in the backyard since we just painted it white and then her dressers now all we have to do is put in the little stuff and the decor that is all in her bathroom and its all gold since her room theme is white and gold so all the pillows accessories and some new art work is gold or white and gold so yeah we were just talking i wasnt though i was just picking at my shorts think he is only an ass because im an ass to him i mean i have a reason a good one and he knows he just chooses not to and i should have never stayed and just went with reese because now they know i take medicine and i have those nightmares and now he is gonna tell everyone and now ashton and Michael know and they are gonna keep asking h- "KAILYNN" i looked up "huh" "you ok you were like heavily zoned out " i nodded "im ok just tired i think i need a nap" "ok well go to sleep room should be done when you wake up" i nooded taking off my shoes getting in her bed closing my eyes letting my thoughts take me into a little dark trip down memory lane 


just a filler since i havent updated in a while sorry but yea nothing really to say but like comment and vote !! 


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