Little Tease (Stucky AU) + NSFW

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I got myself dressed up, wearing a red t-shirt without sleeves, exposing my metal arm. I didn't want to scare people anymore. The embarrassing moment when you get imitate and suddenly they are all like "Dude you're a cyborg" or something like that. It's been a while now since the car accident happened, it's not a shame, I was still alive.

I brushed my shoulder length hair and fixed the buttons of my pants and shirt in front of the mirror in my apartment, in Brooklyn. Brooklyn was not that small and I've been living here since my birth. I left my parents at age 17, we couldn't get along anymore. I'm just a 33 years old single who's looking for good fucks at parties. Right - A party. I wanted to go to a party.

Well, it wasn't my idea, it was Nat's. Nat or other people called her Natasha when she wasn't a total party girl for once - We'd been friends since the High School, always flirting with each other when disgusting people tried to flirt with us at a club or a pub. We hadn't crossed the friendzone line for once, well, maybe we kissed each other on the lips when we greeted, but yeah that's it. She was kind and protective, like a big sister to me.

I put my shoes & leather jacket on, turned the light off and locked my door. It was 7:12PM on December 14th 2015 when I checked my smartphone. There was no snow and in 10 days was Christmas Eve. I wasn't a really religious person, had never been. The only time I was using the words "God, Jesus Christ and oh sweet Lord", was during sex or when I got a nice blow- or handjob.

I put my hands back in the pocket of my ripped jeans and went through the neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Some people were sleeping, of the other ones you could see their shadows in the curtains. It was surprisingly quiet, a few cars drove by and a horde of girls returned drunk back home. It was pretty cold, I could see my breath in front of me when I went slowly into direction of Nat's apartment.

I crossed the crossroad and opened the door of the building, went a few stairs up and knocked on Nat's door and leaned against the doorframe.

"Give me a minute!" she shouted from another room.
"Why are you taking so long? I'm 10 minutes late" I rolled my eyes and she opened the door.
"Shut up, Buck" she grinned and gave me a kiss. I stepped in and closed the door behind me.
"How do I look?" she teased.
"Breathtaking, the guys will fight just to get your attention, I tell ya" I replied and winked.
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear" she blushed, "You don't look bad yourself, short shirt you got there"
"Short dress you got there, are you even wearing panties?"
"Oh shut up, I'm not a total slut, Barnes!
But you are"
"Hey!" I chuckled.
"We're gonna get Clint"
"Oh is this guy who won a prize last week for handling arrows fine and you couldn't come to get a pizza as you promised? Your crush?"
Natasha turned red and hit my chest. "Shut up!.. Yes.. it's him."
"Ahhh, I knew it! He better be hot!"
"Take your fingers off him and get your own bitch!"
I laughed, "is someone getting jealous over hereeeee?"
"N-no.. oh come on shut your dirty mouth! He isn't your type anyway"
She said while taking the keys and shoving me out of the apartment.
"We'll see" I smirked.

We walked to the train station and arrived in the middle of the city in New York. I checked my phone, 8:22PM.
"We'll meet at Lucy Jack's in the Orchard St. Imma get myself some food, the prices there can be insane, alright?"
"Getting drunk before the party starts?" I smirked and she nodded and I took the other direction to find a little diner. I found a small fast food shop called 'Checkers' near the club and got myself some fries, a burger and a coke and ate it all on my way to the club.
In front of Lucy Jack's was a guard and he let me pass. I looked around to find Nat and Clint but I sat on the bar to get a short shot.

"Buck! Over here!"
I set the glass down and turned around and spotted Nat with a guy, probably Clint. I got up and walked straight to them with a smile on my face.
"Buck, that's Clint - Clint - Bucky"
"Nice to meet you man, Nat talks about you all the time"
And there it was, her death stare.
He grinned, "Well I hope only good stuff"
"Yeah and I've heard you're good with arrows and won the first place? Congrats man!"
"Yeah, that's true. Thanks"
I just grinned back. He seemed to be a good guy for Nat, but she's right, he's not really my type and was at least 10 years older than me, well, I actually never really care about the age when I like someone or want a quick fuck, but he's just not the kinda guy I like. Anyway, Nat seems to be really happy around him and I'd never steal someone's girl- or boyfriend.
"If you'll excuse me now, I'm gonna get another drink. Clint, was nice to meet you"

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