Ch. 1

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   The city was almost a complete ghost town.
Windows in the stores were shot out, dead bodies laid around every corner.
Just find Carly
I couldn't help The feeling the of being dirty, it creeped over all over me and the pain in my leg started to grow.

How was I suppose to find Carly? I'm just one boy!
I limped past a dark Allyway, it reeked of garbage and blood.

I jumped at the sound of garbage bins
falling over, I wanted to run but I stayed put.
Suddenly a small figure emerged from the shadows.

No, a white Australian Shepard with a brown and gray patch on it right eye stepped forth with a low head.
It wasn't growling and it didn't seem frightened at all, and I was quite fond of dogs, everything about them intrigued me.
I gave the Australian Shepard a small toothy grin before I started limping again in my current direction.
There was this eerie silence besides the calls of birds and soft wind, and I couldn't shake the feeling I was being followed.

It's probably nothing just keep going
I gripped Carly teddy bear for comfort, it was so soft and relaxing.
Carly must be terrified especially with out her bear....

I kept walking while looking around all the buildings.
Each one was covered in dust and dirt, the place looked like ruins or an abandoned town almost.
I took a deep breath, I still felt like I was being followed my hairs stood on end and my hands were shaking a bit.

I kept thinking to myself while watching birds fly over head when suddenly the sound of shifting rocks behind me was heard.
My heart raced as I closed my eyes before whipping around to see the small Australian Shepard
It's ears perked up when it met my gaze.
"Urg..don't sneak up on me like that.." I groaned, the Australian Shepard whimpered a little.
"What? You're just lonely or something?" I asked it with a small smile.

It wagged its tail a little panting, "well alright come on then..." I called to it.
The Australian Shepard trotted up next to me, warming up to me immediately.
"Hm your going to need a name.." I muttered, the Shepard looked up at me, one of its eyes were brown while the other was a bright blue.
"What about Blu?" I shrugged, Blue barked with happiness at her new name.

I nodded with satisfaction and kept limping until we came to a strongly familiar broken down building with a huge hole in it.
Suddenly the side of my head started to ache and a flash of white filled my vision.

"Calm down Carly, we'll get to grandmas soon." My dad called from the front seat.
My sister stopped fidgeting and muttering for a moment staring out the widow.
I sighed taking a moment of quiet staring out the window watching city buildings pass by.
After a few minutes my sister started fidgeting again.
It was enough we were going to grandmas and stuck in a car for a couple more hours but all the fidgeting was making me nervous.
"Carly calm do-"
I was cut off by an instant explosion of fire and glass shattering before I blacked out.

The vision finally faded and a car came into view.
It was a black SUV and it was titled over with shattered windows.
A strong disturbing smell sweeped over the area making my heart sink.
I approached slowly, I knew I was in for heart break.
I took a deep breath and walked behind the car.
Blu stayed put watching me with a titled head.
Glass popped and crushed under my shoes as I walked over it.

A shattered sun window traveled two adults, I felt my breath almost get knocked out of me and my eyes begin to water as I kneeled into the glass not caring about the stinging pain.
A male in his late thirties with light brown smooth hair.

He had a good build and a few Scars on his arms but that's what happens when you fight for you're country right?

A female also in her late 30s with blonde long hair, he face was unforgettable and her voice was a smooth as silk.
How could I forget her voice, her voice was the first thing I heard when I smell into this world.

My chest grew amazingly heavy as I saw her just laying there lifeless her hand reached past her attached face in a small pool of dry blood.
I slowly reached through the sun window feeling on my mothers hand, her soft skin against mine just one more time.
Only if I could just see her eyes one more time...
Blue whimpered as if sensing my pain and rested her head on her paws.
With a sniffle and shaky sigh a year streamer down my cheek.
I closed my eyes tightly trying to hold them back.

My dad wouldn't want my crying, I know he wouldn't, he'd tell me to stay strong and take care of my sister...
I balled my free hand into a fist gritting my teeth.

I didn't notice Blu had wandered to where I was, I looked at her with heavy sad eyes.
She sniffed Carly's teddy bear as if she knew that had to keep going, for my sister,
With a shaky sigh I forced a smile and rubbed her head ruffling her fur.
I was about to get to my feet but in the corner of my eye something shiny caught my attention.
I reached for the object to feel a firm stitched material only to pull out a bright blue back pack with a golden token on it that read:
"Nothing comes easy."

My backpack what luck.
I placed it in front of me unzipping it, a couple of gatorades and spare shirts.
I checked the other pockets to find a black watch.
My dad gave me the watch when I turned twelve.

"Times not a factor, it's an advantage."

I wrapped the watch around my wrist giving it a good look over before zipping my back pack up and hauling it over my shoulder and getting to my feet which caused tremendous pain.
I wiped the glass from my pants before looking at Blu who wagged her tail slightly.

"Alright Blu Lets go.." I called to her, she perked up her head and followed me.
  We kept walking hoping for some thing that could trigger a memory or a clue to where Carly might be.
     Suddenly form a ally way in front of us a man where all black and a mask with a rifle appeared.
Out of instinct I immediately ducked behind a near by car thankfully ably followed soundlessly keeping her head down.
   My heart race increased hoping he didn't see us.
   From the car side view mirror I watched the man, he just stood there.
   Blu growled a low growl, I quietly shushed her.
   But it was too late, the man turned his head in our direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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