Chapter Teew Juan Cena

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I am very curious as to how 60 of you found my book 😂. So can you guys comment how you found it and what made you want to read it? I will dedicate my next chapter to whoever leaves the best comment 😂
This chapter is dedicated to JulesSoup cuz she left an idea for my story to name the dog. I did :).
Also, thanks to urbooksuks for the picture I used for Chapter Juan. It's great.
K enjoy the story.

We flew for almost 30 minutes, and finally landed in what I supposed to be Juan Cena Vill. It was probably a good guess, for the land was made of a bunch of Juan Cenas. It was beautiful, and I decided to tell Shannon this.

"It's beautiful." I say. Staring out into the dark. Yes it was dark, it was just after sunset. "Why thank you darling." She replies, jumping off the flying dog.

Following her lead, I jumped off my head and quickened my pace to keep up with her.

I leaned down and picked up a mini Juan Cena, which was a rock in this area. I chucked it at Shawn so he would stop singing 'London Bridge'.

What? You thought he was singing one of his songs? Pish no hahaha. I'm not that lame.

"Would you guys stop throwing things at me?" He says brushing off the mini Juan Cena I threw at him.

I start walking to catch up with Shannon and instead of crunching, I hear screaming. I look down at my feet only to see distressed Juan Cena rocks. Every time a took a step, they would scream.

I tried to block it out of my head as I followed Shawn and Shannon to a huge room, made of Juan Cena's abs.

"This is the training room." Shannon tells me. "I will teach you the ways of Juan Cena." "The ways of Juan Cena?" I question. "Why of course, here in BAB County, the martial arts is called 'The Ways of Juan Cena'. It's also what the army uses, which is also located here in Juan Cena Vill. Basically the military region is Juan Cena Vill." She explains.

"Hold on BAB County? Is that supposed to mean anything?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Shannon asks. "Like B A B.. do those letters stand for anything?" I ask again. "No.. It's just BAB as in baby but without the Y." She explains as if it were a stupid question.

She then rolls her eyes and starts to walk further into the training area.

I sigh and follow her.

"Shawn!" Shannon screams. "Epic music cue!"
"Oh ya, sorry!" He calls back. "I don't have my guitar though!" He adds. "Well improvise!" She screams. "Alright, alright. Jeeze." He mumbles.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do doooooo."
Shawn sings to the tune of 'The Eye of the Tiger".

Shannon dramatically spins around to face me, and as Shawn's 'music' continues, she circles around me with her chin held high.

It kinda reminded me of when my other friend, who shallent be mentioned, took a selfie she would raise her head super high.


Shannon finally made a full circle around me, and she threw a punch, not at me, but at the air in between us.

"See this?" She screams, although I was right next to her. "SEE IT?" she screams again. "Ya..? It's a punch." I reply.

"WRONG!" She screams. I stare at her wide eyed.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do doooo."
Shawn's singing fills the awkward silence in between me and Shannon.

"Wrong wrong wrong wrong!" She mumbles. Her face falls into her hands and she sighs. "When are you going to learn?" She says into her hands. "Umm.." I start.

"WRONG!" She screams again.

"There is no stuttering while practicing Juan Cena!" She yells. "And this?" She screams in disgust as she throws another punch. "This is a weakling superman!" I stare at her silently.

"Don't be a weakling superman, Chell." (Chells my nickname for me friends. miCHELL. Get it? No? K.)

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do dooooo."

She walks to the back of the room and pulls out two chairs. She places one next to me and she sits in hers. I watch her explain 'Tru Moo Fighting' as I sit down.

She takes her hands in between her thighs, and rapidly slaps her inner thighs. I see sweat roll down her face as she concentrates.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do doooo."

I see a blue ball fuse in between her thighs where her hand violently slaps. "Faster.. faster." She whispers.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do dooooo."

Finally she stops and screams,"POTATO CHIP POPCORN PRETZEL PIE!"

Babies (which I will now on call babs) flew from the blue fuse ball she had created. All of them hit the target that I now notice on the opposite end of the training area.

"And that's how it's done." She concludes. "Tru Moo Fighting, the most effective fighting there is." She adds. I turn back around to the target and see a couple hundred babs laying on the ground, clawing at air.

I turn back to her and she stares at me. "Your turn, me child."

Following her example, I focus on quickening the pace of my hand.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do dooo."

Is all I can hear as I focus. The blue fuse appears, and I focus on concentrating that energy on the target. I released and screamed," POTATO CHIP POpcorn pretzel pie..?" As the babs went flying everywhere.

Everywhere you looked there were flying babs. Left, right, forwards, backwards, everywhere.
"DUCK!" She screams! I follow her command and duck down. She pulls me back up. "No you idiot! Duck, my dog. DUCK!"

I hear the sounds of Duck flying by, then a loud thud. Still the babs shoot everywhere. Shawn and Shannon run out the exit and I follow.

There lies Duck, and we climb onto him, leaving the bab infested training area behind.

I hear Shannon sigh and I look over to her. "What did I do wrong?" I ask. "Your Shout, it wasn't powerful enough." She shakes her head.

My Shout? "We are going to What is a Bagel City. Jules can help you." Shannon tells me.

"Do. Do do do. Do do do. Do do doooo."

My Best Friend, Shannon NagyWhere stories live. Discover now