Chapter 3: The Pen-Pal Project

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I sit in english, letting my necklace slide in between my index and thumb. The teacher is still explaining the rules of fight club to Vanessa who doesn't seem to be grasping the point.

I look outside to see the other class, Leah and Daniel, in gym. They look so cute together. I look back at the board and the teacher has written pen-pal project. Not again. Every year we have to do this stupid project where we write to teens from anywhere around the world. This year we are writing to teens in Boston, Massachusetts. In other words Americans.

We have to write first so I guess here I go:

Well hello der,

  My name is Jessica, I'm 15 and love unicorns.  I don't really know what to write so I guess I'll just tell you about myself and school, so. I'm siting in english class right now, with nothing to do. Me and my friend Jaydon are just standing up on our chairs when the teacher turns around in the hopes he won't notice. We live on the dangerous side. Call me Bond, Jessica Bond.

So my other friends are Leah and I guess her boyfriend Daniel now. They are going to prom together / oh btw prom is in a couple of weeks/. They are the cutest pieces of shit ever.

So ya that's all my friends. I am very popular, i have a whole three friends. Well I used to have another but I'd rather not get into that. So maybe I'm just wasting my time and you hate me, which means I'm going to wrap it up. Hopefully you write back. BYE BYE CHICKEN AND RICE.

                                                                                                   ~Sincerly, Jess.

I finish writing and seal up the paper in the envelope my teacher gave us and hand it in. I sit back down and gaze out the window where I hear screams and a crash. 

My whole class runs out to the field. I push threw everyone to find Daniel lying on the ground motionless, with a car zooming down the field and back into the street. Leah is sobbing uncontrollably and I just fall to the floor.

Another thing I loved, gone.

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