One • Alicia

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One • Alicia

Fit in.

Two words.

Two extremely simple, common words.

I absolutely despise  those words.

Everything about me just went under the category of things that fit in.

Normal dark brown hair and chestnut colored eyes didn't exactly make me stand out.

Nor did my understandable level of hyperactivity (Since everyone who's anyone knows for a fact that there are much more obnoxious kids out there).

Only two things were peculiar about me—My curiosity of all things involving fire, and the oddly crumpled piece of paper that I always kept with me in a jar that hung around my neck by a thread.

It was old, ripped numerous times, and has slightly burnt edges.

The message written inside had been scrawled haphazardly in fading black ink.

It was a simple message that always piqued my interest. From time to time, I read it over and over again.

"Find your inner fire."

It was a peculiar message, I know. But I couldn't help being drawn to it.

What did it mean? Was it some sort of metaphor or maybe a clue to something bigger?

Whatever the actual answer was, I don't—And probably will never—know.

Even it's origin was a mystery. Neither of my parents knew where it had come from, nor why I had received it.

My mom says that it had just appeared in the crib I stayed in when I was a baby one night. She said it seemed like it was destined to go to me.

But no one ever knew for sure.

That never stopped my mind from creating up strange and often senseless answers...

Back to my first topic.

I had always—and I mean always—wanted to stand out.

I wanted to be seen, I wanted to be found.

I have a couple of friends, and I'm noticed from time to time.

Common misinterpretation—I'm a lonely person.


I'm outgoing. I don't hesitate to step out of my comfort zone.

But I want something even more... I want to be understood in all aspects. I want to be different in a way that when people see me, they go:

"Oh, that's Alicia Reece Moore, she's brilliant!"

I've never been that kind of girl who wanted to stay in a corner and shut up. I wanted to speak.

But when I did speak, no one ever truly understood.

My words just hung in the air, empty and hollow.

And I longed for a signal that someone actually absorbed my words. A handful of smiles usually popped up from the people around me, but that wasn't what I wanted.

I wanted some contemplative stare from someone, anyone, to prove that my words actually meant something to them.

I've been waiting for a long time now.

Twelve years to be exact.

No ones ever given me a signal that I'm particularly valuable.

Never at all.



So I've decided to starting writing fanfics again, due to the nonstop persuasion of my friends.

How's Again so far? Please, please, please tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome with me, as well!

Don't hesitate to hit that Vote button up there, if you liked this! It would make my day so much. Plus, you can get virtual gummy bears!



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