Chapter Nine

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Adam was gone as she'd suspected he would be when she woke, but the bed was still warm. She stretched and looked over what had been scratches on her hands and arms, and found the skin smooth and unblemished. All in all she felt better than she ever could remember, although she had the strangest feeling that her limbs had all been pulled out of place and popped back in. Loose and warm, she took her time bathing and dressing. When she was finished she'd dressed in a darling, pink gown embroidered with intricately sewn roses. There was a generous breakfast waiting for her, and her hair was still wet when she sat down to eat. Belle was enjoying a book she'd brought to her room from the library when a knock signaled Beast's arrival.

"Good morning," She called out, setting her book aside. "How are you feeling?" She rose before he had a chance to respond, and hurried to see to his wounds. They were as remarkably healed as her own. "Much better, then?"

Beast looked out the window and nodded. "I wanted to apologize," He walked to her chair and pulled it out for her, and waited for her to sit before pushing the chair in and taking his own seat. "I frightened you, and I've been rash and unkind. I should not I did to finding you in the East Wing."

Belle looked him over with a frown. "It was not my place to be there. You forbade it, and I-"

"Belle, this is your home. It's understandable that you would want to know all about it that you can. You miss your family, don't you?"

"Yes, I do." She stared down at her meal.

"I have something that might help you. Two presents, actually. I...I forgot about Christmas. Lumiere reminded me," He turned to the candle stick and lifted something from him, and passed her the parcel with a smile.

She unwrapped the beautiful, gold paper to reveal an ornate silver hand mirror. It was roughly the length of her forearm and as wide as her open hand. All around the glass the silver was twisted into the shapes of vines and flowers. Each flower was inlaid with a cluster of rubies, while the leaves were shaped emeralds. "Beast...this is beautiful, thank you. I don't understand..."

"It's magic," He said softly. "Think of who you would like to see, and you'll see them as though they were looking through the glass. Go ahead, look for Mrs. Potts," He shifted in the chair and it creaked and groaned beneath his bulk.

She thought of the kindly pot, and was startled when mist swirled and filled the surface of the glass. When it suddenly cleared, Mrs. Potts was in view. "Mrs. Potts! Oh my goodness, hello!" Yet she didn't react. She hopped about the kitchen giving soundless orders to the cutlery and pots on the stove. "Can she hear me?" Belle asked, pushing her hair behind her ears and glancing up at him.

"No, you can see them, but they won't have any knowledge you're watching them or trying to speak to them. They won't hear you. Now, your second gift." He turned to the side and leaned over, then lifted a beautiful, dark wood chest onto the table."This is also for your family. Whatever you place in this chest will appear in your home, for whoever you mean it. Come, let me show you." He stood and carried the chest to the foot of her bed. When she knelt beside it, he took a platter of the fruit and a bottle of wine from the table and lifted the lid. The inside was lined in deep, red velvet and he set both in before closing the lid. "Who would you like me to send this to?"

"For my father," She said without hesitation.

When Beast lifted the lid again the food and drink was gone. "Now, quickly, look in the glass,"

She lifted her skirts and ran for the mirror, thinking of her father's lined and weather worn face even before her fingers touched it. "Oh! Oh my goodness! I can see him!" She laughed, one hand going to cover her mouth. She couldn't let him see her lips tremble. "He's found the fruit and...oh, but why is he crying? What's that note?" As if on cue the mirror focused on the slip of paper beside the platter, and there in beautiful golden writing was her name. "Beast...I can help them. Thank you, I don't..." She set the mirror to the side and embraced him, breathing in the scents of smoke and animal. It wasn't unpleasant, but she did pull away. "Thank you."

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