Chapter 3- Part 2: Whispers in the Dark

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Go looking for Darkness and the Darkness looks back

As soon as Detective Whelan left, Alan started hyperventilating

"What am I?" he cried, his confidence and calm quickly deteriorating

"Don't cry sweetie," Marie quickly comforted, wrapping her arms around him

"I'm a monster," Alan continued to cry, his emotions overflowing the brim

"Don't say that," Marie declared. "You are not a monster; you're too good."

"Fine then, I'm a zombie, whatever," Alan wailed and Marie quickly stood

"Stop this," she shook him. "We are going to figure everything out!"

Alan sniffed, staring up at his friend. "Okay, you don't have to shout."

Marie looked down at him, smiled, and wiped away his tears with her hand

"Good, now let's get you cleaned up and fed then we'll figure out a plan."

"Okay," he sniffed. "You're right; we have to find answers now."

"Exactly." She smiled. "But first, you're moving around without a heart, how?"

Alan glared at her with his mouth wide open watching her giggle

He lifted his chin and raised his middle figure, letting it wiggle


Alan followed Marie down the busy street, dressed incognito

They were heading to get answers from a man named Benito

He was well known on the street as the guy to know if you wanted to get lost

So he'd be the best bet to find Vince, but it would come with a cost

Growing up in New York, Alan learned how to deal with tough guys

Even before he came out he had experience giving out black eyes

He wasn't a fighter, if he didn't have to be

But if he did, he wasn't afraid to break a knee

When they reached the laundromat, they entered and a tall bulky man smiled

"Marie Antoinette, how you been, girl?" Marie waved, her eyes flirty and wild

"Benjie!" she smiled. "I've been alright; how's things with you and the hubby?"

The man looked down at his feet and said, "He's back on the bubbly."

"No," she sighed. "Well, have him come see me; I have the perfect brew for that."

"Really? Thank you so much, Marie," he smiled. "Lately he's been out of whack."

"We'll get that fixed up real quick." Marie replied. "Is Benito in?"

Alan was becoming impatient as the thought of his death crawled under his skin

"He's in a real bad mood today, Marie. I think he's having boy trouble" Benjie replied.

"Come on, it's important. My cousin here really needs to get away," Marie lied.

"You know he hates it when you show up without calling," Benjie began.

The Dead, the Divine, and the Darkness: A Supernatural Poetic NovelWhere stories live. Discover now