Fame Obsessed

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Ron couldn't look at me straight in the eyes. Most of the time he was looking at the floor, then around the common room, pretending to look interested in the paintings hanging on the walls. We weren't alone, the common was still filled with chatter and laughter of the new and old Gryffindor students who were finally at ease. Ron and I sat in the corner, isolated, trying to be discreet so that no one could hear us. Ron had asked if we could speak privately, picking the worst place to do it.

"I don't know how to say this without it making me sound like I'm being a prick," he started, "but you know... Everything has changed now. We're THE Golden Trio. We are THE saviours of this generation and now we have so many opportunities to choose from and-" He stopped. Still not looking at me in the eyes, his hand awkwardly ruffling his ginger hair. 

"Ron?" I urged, I reached for the warmth of his hand, but he pulled away immediately. 

"Hermione, I reckon that being in a relationship now is too much. We've been friends from the start and I think we're pushin' it".

I sat there, my eyes widening, I scanned the common room to check if anyone was looking in our direction. A few girls crowded around a book, were staring at us, Ron in particular. Since the war had ended, we had indeed become more popular. Recently, people have been talking to me more than usual. Boys have been paying more attention to me than I'd like. Ron loved the fame. It's something I know that he's always wanted. His whole life, being Harry's shadow, he now gets to feel what it's like to be well-known. When we would walk through the halls together, he would always be nodding his head at the girls who walked by us, and never devote his full attention to me anymore.

"W-what?" I felt the heat rise up in my body, anger, frustration and hurt. "You can't be serious?" I almost shouted, a few people glanced in our direction now, but furtively turned away.

"Shh-" Ron said in a hush, his pale skin reddening under his freckles, just like the first time we had shared our first butterbeer at Hogsmead. "It's just tha-"

My eyes began to water, I didn't bother wiping my tears away. "The fame has gotten into that big head of yours! Girls look at you sheepishly and giggle and now you think you're the king of the wizarding world!"

"Hermione!" He looked around, he looked anxious and annoyed. "Could you please keep it down?" His head fell into his hands, his chest heaving with frustration. 

"I'm just- Everything. You told me you loved me, your mother is like a second mother to me, Ginny is my best friend and you're," I kept stuttering, I tried not to let a sob escape but I knew it was coming inevitable. "And we've been together from the start, I cannot even imagine not being by your side-"

"You will always by my side Hermione, honestly. But, only as a friend." At that moment, he locked eyes with me. Those ocean blue eyes that I so tenderly loved were now cold and emotionless. How could he end a relationship so harshly, just so he could sleep around. That was enough for me to collapse in a fistful of tears. I jumped to my feet, and sped out the door to the girls' dormitory.

Comforting hands wrapped around my back as i lay in the warmth of my blanket. I saw ginger hair out of the corner of my eye and for a second feared it was Ron, but i was only greeted with the soft cooing of Ginny's voice.

"Its okay Hermione," she pointlessly said, rubbing circles across my back.

"Its Ron, he just left me and-" I was cut of by another strangled sob. I was so relieved of my return to Hogwarts, but Ron had to come along and shatter my high expectations.

"I heard, the word is already spreading across the common room."

"Was it really that obvious?" I asked desperately. I hated this type of attention coming my way.

"Sort of, but you'll be fine," Ginny let out a comforting laugh, and continued. "You know, Ron has been acting awfully different recently. At home, towards the brothers, and even to our parents! Now that he's all great and famous, he feels as if he has some sort of right, over all of us. He was away for the six-month anniversary of Fred's death, and didn't even bother to express the slightest of his condolences." It was now her turn to cry, a gentle tear rolling down her pale cheek for her lost brother. 

"I'm so sorry Ginny. If i had known I would have told him off for it. I just can't accept his current behaviour anymore. I don't understand how he can mercilessly give everyone up. I wish he would go back to being the normal Ron, back to my freckled boyfriend with whom I shared such marvellous memories"

"I see where you're coming from, Hermione. Honestly, if there is one way to correct him, and beat him, is to shut him down completely. Make him regret ever leaving you, make him drop to his knees begging to take you back. By all means, date someone he hates to show how insignificant he was.  Make him jealous."

Upon hearing Ginny's lines, an idea burst into my head. The most absurd idea I could not even dream about, but it was worth a try. 

The one person that would make Ron jealous, the cunning, risky, evil Draco Malfoy. It was a dangerous play, but I was willing to do anything to reconquer Ron's love

Hey guys, first chapter! This story will in fact be a Dramione story, written by my friend and I. We've had a bit of experience in writing fanfiction from several different fandoms, and thought we'd try this one out. Hope you enjoy it! (Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be longer. Also we hope to update every day)

Ellie and Sarah

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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