Chapter 2

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Nora woke next morning to a dark room. The drapes were closed blocking the sunlight. The room was dark as if it was night, but the small amount of light that made it's way through the drapes told her otherwise. She pulled her self up, the smooth linen sheets were cold to her touch. She pushed the covers off her and rose. He nightgown straightened out and fell to her ankles. Her dark hair, braided, had hairs sticking out in some spots. She walked over to the wash basin, a white glaze covered it with blue flowers painted onto it. The shine of the glaze shone in the small bit of light in the room. The water in the pitcher glistened as it poured from it into the basin. Nora dipped her hands into the water, cupping them. She bent her head and lifted her hands, the cold water made her more alert. The noise of the water splashing back in the basin was the only noise in the room. It seemed a million times louder than usual. Her face dripped with water onto her nightgown, she paid this no heed.

Like clockwork Florie opened the door with a candle. The yellow tallow candle shed an eerie glow upon the room. The silver candle stick was polished to a perfect shine. Reflecting the entire room on the vertical length of the stick. Wax dripped onto it from the top of the candle as it melted. Wax building up on the stick. The flickering flame at the top reflected on the pitcher and vase, the water in them, and in Nora's eyes. Florie set the candlestick on the vanity next to the basin, lighting up the area there better. In Florie's other hand she held a light blue outfit for Nora's excursion to town. She had to be dressed appropriately. Florie moved and set the items on the edge of the bed.

She untied the ribbon at the end of Nora's braid, she set the dark green ribbon on the dark vanity. Picking up the stiff bristled brush she un-plaited Nora's hair brushing it out. She then unbuttoned the back of the nightgown, sliding it off. The cold air touched Nora's skin giving her goose bumps. Her stockings were soon put on, the white cotton wasn't very much of contrast to her actual skin. The chemise was soon placed over her skin The lightweight cotton felt clean and fresh. The corset, a pale white, stiff, was soon laced up and made it hard to breath. A light petticoat was put on and then the dress. Usually Nora forewent the petticoat seeing as she rarely visited anyone. The light blue dress was put on. It was of simple design; nothing too elaborate. The bodice was beaded with white seed beads and embroidered with a plain design.

They then put her hair in a bun, it was simple, the way Nora liked it. She wrapped a woolen shawl around her. "Thank you Florie."

"No trouble Miss, it's my job."

Nora nodded and just looked at Florie. The girl was so young, only eighteen or so and yet she knew so much. Her blue eyes had an aged glint in them like those of an old soul. Her plain grey dress gave away her beautiful figure. Her hands were hard worked but looked perfect and soft. Her golden blonde hair shone in the candle light. Nora knew it was long and most of it was stuffed into her servants bonnet. Part of her hair shone in it and that was the only way she knew her hair color. Her skin was less pale than Nora's as if she got more sunlight. Which was probably true. Her teeth were beautiful and her face lit up when she smiled. She was quite beautiful in Nora's eyes. She was tall, well kept, and graceful. Her posture could rival most noble women. And she was forever kind to all.

"Florie, what do you think of me?" Nora asked as she studied her appearance in the mirror.

"Pardon?" Florie was quite confused.

"What do you think of me?" Nora repeated the question.

"Well you're quite kind, and I don't care what the people say you're nothing like that. You're also very beautiful."

"You think so?"

"Oh yes, what I wouldn't give to have your eyes and figure."

"Florie, you're quite lovely yourself. Don't berate yourself."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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