#12: Stressed

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I was watching tv when I heard the door slam closed. Brendon was home.

"Hi, Brenny." I said as I stood up to give him a hug and a kiss

I walked over to him and he pushed me away silently.

"Brenny, talk to me. D-did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously

"Just leave me alone." He finally responded

He walked over to the couch and sat down. I went and sat next to him. He totally ignored me.

"Brenny, what's wrong?" I said


He raised his right and slapped me across the face. Tears started to stream down my face.

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!" I yelled while I was getting up to go upstairs Brendon's face went from looking mad to looking like he was going to cry.

"Baby, I'm really sorry!" He exclaimed following

"Why would you do this Bren? I thought you were supposed to protect me not harm me." I said while crying

"I'm just stressed. Baby, I love you so fucking much. I would die without you." He started to cry as he was trying to kiss me but I pushed him away

"You should've talked to me about it, not take it out on me." I added

"It's just the band is going on tour soon and its just stressing me out." He admitted

"Well it'll be fine. Don't worry about because I'll be there with you" I said wiping away his tears

Brendon wiped my tears and smashed his soft lips into mine. Brendon picked me up and carried me upstairs and laid me on the bed

"Baby, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again." Brendon told me

"It's ok, Brenny, I forgive you. I know you wouldn't try to hurt me." I said

Brendon pulled me in for another kiss.

"I love you." Brendon said

"I love you too" I repeated back

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