Chapter five

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I woke up on Saturday in chresanto arms and I had to get up real quick.

I woke up an hour before my grandparents came back home.

Today we where going to have lunch with my dad and his friend.

Mr.Simmons...well rev run Simmons.

My ex boy friends dad...and my ex is diggy Simmons.

I wore my clothes which is a lace white crop top and a short flowy light pink skirt and put on some light make up.

I placed my hair in a sleek bun.

I got my MK white purse and I put all my essentials in there.

Chres:hey beautiful

I got a text from chres which made me blush.

Des:hey handsome

Chres:so may I have a picture of how you look..please


Sent him a picture.


I laughed when I saw his response.

Des:got to go

Chres:aight ttyl

I locked the screen and placed my phone in my bag.

I walked downstairs and found grandpa helping grandma to put on her coat.

"Hello"I said with a smile.

"Hey lil look nice"grandma said

"Thank you "I replied

"She reminds me of you...back in them good ol' days"grandpa said

Which caused grandma to blush.

"Come on let's go...I know how your daddy don't like waiting on people"grandma said

We went outside and I locked the door.

I turned around and we got into the limo.

We drove past a group of guys standing in a circle.

Inside the circle I saw chresanto doing a hand shake with many of the guys. can't be...was he doing what I think he was doing?

I looked away.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and daddy got up to give me a tight hug.

"Hey angel"he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey daddy"I said

He greated his parent's and we sat down.

"So diggy and rev run haven't arrived yet"I said as the waiter brought our menus.

" know how forever late run is"he said

"So lil did chresanto treat you?"grandpa asked

"Oh uh um he was nice "I said

"So y'all didn't do nothing y'all weren't suppose to"grandma said as she raised her eyebrow at me.

"No"I said

"Who's chresanto ?"dad asked as I blushed

"Oh you remember Celia? "Grandpa asked

"Yeah"dad said

"It's her son"he said

"Wow so my daughter is dating my high school sweethearts son"dad said as my eyes grew as big as saucers

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